The 2023 French Inter-Business School Workshop in Finance was organized by the Finance Economics and Econometrics Lab at TBS and hosted by TBS Education in Toulouse. It was for two half-days, starting on Thursday March 30th, after lunch, until Friday March 31st, before lunch. This to allow traveling participants to come to Toulouse on Thursday morning and leave on Friday afternoon. 

The workshop took place in Room A327 on the 3rd floor of the TBS Education main campus, 20 boulevard Lascrosses, 31000 Toulouse, on Google maps. Presentation slots were of 20 mins and discussion slots were of 5 mins.

French Inter-Business School Finance Workshop 2023

TBS Business School

Thursday 30 and Friday 31 March 2023

Here is the workshop program:

Thursday 30 March:

12h15 - Lunch at The Social Hub, 1 Rue de Sébastopol, 31000 Toulouse, on Google maps.

14h00 - Beginning of afternoon session. Session chair: Debrah Meloso (TBS).

Welcome by Stephanie Lavigne, Dean of TBS Education.

14h15 - “Computational Reproducibility in Finance: Evidence from 1,000 Tests”, Christophe Perignon (HEC) and coauthors. Discussant: David Le Bris (TBS).

14h45 - Understanding the Carbon Price(s) of Risk”, Abraham Lioui (EDHEC). Discussant: Alexandre Garel (Audencia).

15h15 - “The Covariance Structure between Listed and Non-listed Assets”, Marielle De Jong (Grenoble EM). Discussant: Michael Axenrod (ESCP).

30 mins Coffee Break

16h15 - “A Structural Model of Liquidity in Over-the-Counter Markets”, Jamie Coen (LSE) and Patrick Coen (TSE). Discussant: Enrique Schroth (EDHEC).

16h45 - “Strategic Leveraging in Collective Bargaining with Organized Labor: An International Investigation”, Bourjade Sylvain (TBS) and Marie Baudoux (Audencia). Discussant: Alexei Ovtchinnikov (HEC)

15 mins Break

17h30 "Crowdfunding vs. Venture Capital: Complements or Substitutes? A Theoretical Analysis", Guillaume Andrieu (Montpellier BS) and Alexander Groh (EM Lyon). Discussant: Ulrich Hege (TSE)

18h00 – Inefficient Regulation: Mortgages versus Total Credit”, Artashes Karapetyan (ESSEC), Jens Kvaerner (Tilburg U), and Maximilian Rohrer (Norwegian School of Economics). Discussant: Roman Skripnik (TBS).

18h30 - End of afternoon session.


20h00 - Dinner at Le Chevillard, 4 Boulevard du Maréchal-Leclerc, 31100 Toulouse, on Google maps.


Friday 31 March:

9h00 - Beginning of morning session. Session chair: Arthur Romec (TBS).

9h00 - Optimal Dynamic Contract with Regulation of the Agency Friction”, Vincent Tena (Paris Dauphine). Discussant: Wenbin Cao (Neoma BS).

9h30 - “Private Equity Fund Performance around the World”, Sara Ain Tommar (Neoma BS), Serge Darolles (Paris Dauphine) and Emmanuel Jurczenkoc (EDHEC). Discussant : Samuel Nyarko (Montpellier BS).

15 mins Coffee Break

10h15 - “Multifractal Cryptocurrencies”, Bastien Buchwalter,Veronika Czellar and Engin Iyidogan (all Skema BS).

10h45 - “Competitive Approaches in Mergers and Acquisitions”, Tina Oreski (ESCP). Discussant: Xiaoxiong Hu (Neoma BS).

15 mins Break

11h30 - “Social Networks and Venture Capital Investments Around the World”, Giang Nguyen (EM Lyon) and Thu Ha Nguyen (Monash U, Australia). Discussant: Jan Schnitzler (Grenoble EM).

12h00 - “Structural Estimation of Rational Expectations Models with Recursive Preferences”, Bart FC Claassen (U of Groningen) and Diego Ronchetti (Audencia). Discussant: Juan Imbet (Paris Dauphine).

12h30 - End of workshop.


12h45 Lunch at The Social Hub, 1 Rue de Sébastopol, 31000 Toulouse, on Google maps.

Here is the list of the 63 registered participants (in alphabetical order of participating schools)

Audencia: Diego Ronchetti (presenter), Alexandre Garel (discussant), Joelle Miffre

EDHEC: Abraham Lioui (presenter), Enrique Schroth (discussant)

EM Lyon: Giang Nguyen Duc (presenter)

ESCP: Tina Oreski (presenter), Michael Axenrod (discussant), Julien Fouquau, Alberta Di Giuli

ESSEC: Artashes Karapetyan (presenter)

Grenoble EM: Marielle De Jong (presenter), Jan Schnitzler (discussant), Lamya Kermiche, Jamil Jaballah

HEC: Christophe Perignon (presenter), Alexei Ovtchinnikov (discussant), François Derrien

Montpellier BS: Guillaume Andrieu (presenter), Samuel Anokye Nyarko (discussant), Moez Bennouri

Neoma BS: Sara Ain Tommar (presenter), Wenbin Cao (discussant), Xiaxiong Hu (discussant), Pierre Six, Marianna Russo, Jung-Hyun Ahn, Samuel Ouzan, Sami Attaoui

Paris-Dauphine: Vincent Tena (presenter), Juan Imbet (discussant), Zoran Filipovic, Serge Darolles

SkemaBS: Engin Iyidogan (presenter), Muhammad Farooq Ahmad 

TBS: Sylvain Bourjade (presenter), Roman Skripnik (discussant), David Le Bris (discussant), Debrah Meloso, Anna Calamia, Catherine Muller, Chiara Canta, Arthur Romec, Luc Rouge, Serge Nyawa, Sébastien Mitraille, Elie Gray, Christophe Bernard, Pierre Mella-Barral

TSE: Patrick Coen (presenter), Ulrich Hege (discussant), Alexander Guembel, Milo Bianchi, Silvia Rossetto, Sophie Moinas, Fany Declerck, Victor Gay, Mathieu Bouvard

Other and non-faculty: Marie Baudoux, Yulia Malitskaia, Andreea Mitrache, Li Bao, César Condemine

For more information, please contact: Pierre Mella-Barral (