
optical fiber-based sensors

Optical sense

Fast, easy and modular sensors

Tapered optical fiber

Evanescence wave based sensors could interact with environment and sense the parameters.

1) Permanent coatings

2) Easy modulation

3) Roll-to-Roll production

Sensitive coating

Hybrid coatings can increase the sensitivity, linearity, precision and etc.

1) Simulation of coatings

2) Optimization of coatings

3) Synthesizing & Coating

Optical fiber profiling

Refractive index (RI) measurements make the development of RI sensors easier.

1) MZI refractometer

2) RI profiling

3) High-precision

Flame tapering system

Tapering optical fiber using heat-tensile method.

1) Easy fabrication

2) Portable system

3) Industrial level

Tapering control

Tapering profile can be controlled with online in-situ measuring of diameter and flame/spark control.

1) Optical CCD control

2) Diameter feedback

3) High-resolution

Arc tapering system

Tapering the optical fiber using Arc-tensile and plasma methods.

1) Easy and clean fabrication

2) Handheld Portable system

3) Industrial level

Optical simulation

Optical level simulations for precise control of products.

1) Optical-modes

2) Loss and RI

3) Process optimization

Sensitivity simulation

Simulation of optical fiber using various techniques (FDTD, ...).

1) Bend and Stress optimization

2) Error minimizing

3) Industrial level protections

Final Consideration

Protecting the fabricated sensors against various noise and harsh environments.

1) Coating and protecting

2) Error minimizing

3) Binding and packaging

Modular Consideration

Modular systems help easy and fast maintenance.

1) Detectors optimizations

2) Coupling optimizations

3) FOV and etc. considerations


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Quote: Nothing Can stop us.

Sample patent: Magnetic field sensors based on tapered optical fiber

Patent No. 105387

Arbitration of Patent : Iran Nanotechnology Innovation Council

Evaluation of Patent : Iranian Research Organization for Science and Technology