Privacy Page

Privacy Policy


AFGB Lyon & Rhône (the Association) is firmly committed to its members' privacy. AFGB does not, for any reason, voluntarily release any information about anyone to anyone. Read on for complete details.

Our Commitment To Privacy

Your privacy is important to us. So that you fully understand our privacy policy we provide this notice explaining our online information practices and the choices you can make about the way your information is collected and used. To make this notice easy to find, we make it available from every page on our site.

The Information We Collect

This notice applies to all information collected or submitted to the Associaiton via our Web site, by telephone, mail, email or any other method. Whilst it is not possible to order services, make requests, or register to receive materials we do publish information originating from the Association and from other non-associated organisations. In general we do not collect personal information from third parties however some personal details may appear on the site for facultative reasons, such as:

  • Your name and your business name (if applicable)

  • Your address

  • Your email address

  • Your phone number

  • Your fax number

We may also publish additional information that is needed to handle the specific needs of the entry in question.

The Way We Use Information

We use the information you provide about yourself and your events only to enable others to take part in or obtain information about a specific event or item. This information is only shared to the extent that details can be read by any person consulting the site.

We use email addresses only to answer any email we receive, to provide information that was specifically requested or - if you are a member of the Association - to notify you about future events or other matters of general interest. Email addresses are not used for any other purpose and are not shared with outside parties. Private postal addresses are never shared with anyone, except where a contact address is published on the website for a specific purpose. Email addresses relative to AFGB are encrypted to protect their users from spam; the addresses of third parties, where provided by same, will not in general be encrypted except following a specific written request.

We use non-identifying and aggregate information, such as site traffic statistics, to help better design our website.

Finally, we neither seek nor use personally identifiable information in ways unrelated to the aims of the Association.

Our Commitment To Data Security

We do not collect any data on line, therefore there is no policy for prevention of unauthorized access or maintainence of data accuracy.

  • Personal data is never transfered over a computer network; the Associaton does not have access to one.

  • Personal data, such as membership and mailing lists, is totally separate from the website and is only kept on personal computers used by members of the committee of AFGB Lyon & Rhône for the express purpose of communication with members of the Association.

  • Personal data is not available to AFGB members unless they are directly involved in the use of that data.

  • Personal data that is no longer required is discarded.

We simply use information as we see fit and publish it on the website only in connection with the activities of the Association.

Our Commitment To Children's Privacy

Protecting the privacy of the very young is equally important. We never collect or maintain information from anyone we know to be under age 13, and no part of our website is structured to attract anyone under 13.

How You Can Access Or Correct Your Information

Members of the Association can request a copy of all their personally identifiable information that we have collected and maintain by contacting the Secretary. If you are not a member of the Association, you can be assured that we do not have any information about you, except in the case of data which is published on the website and therefore in the public domain. We do not entertain information requests by third parties.

You can correct factual errors in your personally identifiable information by sending us a request that credibly shows the error.