
Blackfeet Indians

For more than 10,000 years

They have occupied the Rocky Mountains

Following the seasonal grazing

And migration of the buffalo in the Plains.

Black feet they were called

Because of the black sole of their moccasins

Before they stole horses from enemy tribes

And acquired arms to defend their lives

Against greedy white settlers

Who killed the buffalo

And brought disease, war and desolation.

And now like most Indian Tribes

They live in reservations

Trying hard to preserve their ancient traditions.

Pieds Noirs

They are called Pieds Noirs

Nobody really knows why.

But they came from Algeria.

Having settled in this country

For many years

They thought it was theirs for ever.

But as for many settlers

They were compelled to leave it one day

In a chaotic traumatic way

And go abroad to France

A land they didn't know

And say farewell for ever

To their native homeland.

I know I can do it she said

I don't need you

No need to supervise me !

No need to patronize me !

You, arrogant and presumptuous fool

Don't you dare tell me what to do

I'll manage on my own

I'm quite capable you see

My foot ! He said.