by SoqueWeathercat

Hitch a ride to Lestallum to stare at a lady eating this rice bowl if you want to learn how to cook this dish... or follow these simple steps that are possibly slightly less awkward.

Active cooking time: 20 mins. Total cooking time: 30 mins. Serves 1

To make the rice


  • 1 cup white rice (200g)

  • 1½ cups cold water (360mL)

  1. Rinse your rice in cold water.

  2. Bring your rice to boil in the amount of water you measured earlier and let the rice simmer for 10 minutes.

  3. Turn off the heat, but leave the rice to stand for another 15 minutes. Be sure not to lift the lid from the pot.

To make the topping


  • 2 tbsp soy sauce (30mL)

  • 1 tbsp mirin (15mL)

  • 5 tbsp of dashi stock (75mL)

  • ½ tbsp sugar (6g)

  • 1 chicken thigh, deboned sliced

  • 1 onion or the white part of 3 spring onions, sliced

  • 1 egg, lightly beaten

  1. Combine the soy sauce, mirin, dashi stock and sugar in a small pan. Gently stir the ingredients on low to medium heat until the sugar has dissolved.

  2. Add the chicken to the mixture, flipping to ensure that it cooks evenly. Add the (spring) onion slices midway through.

  3. Once the chicken is cooked, add the egg. Remove the pan from the heat once your egg is cooked halfway through for pasteurized eggs, or completely cooked for unpasteurized.

  4. Scoop the rice into a bowl.Top with the ingredients from the pan. Decorate with slices of the green part of a spring onion.

  5. Enjoy the smile on Noct’s face and a host of useful bonuses!