Summer Home Program

Our Faith on Fire! Summer Home

The Summer Home program utilizes the Saint Mary's Press Discover or Go, Seek, Find curriculum for Grades 1-5 and Connect! for Grade 6.  Summer Home Program is done entirely at home, led by parents or guardians.  Parents are provided everything necessary for a successful Faith Formation year.  

Although there is some flexibility in this program with regard to pacing and when lessons can be taught, the timeframe for starting and completing this program is limited to 10 weeks (an accelerated pace).  Please plan accordingly, particularly if you have more than one child as you will be planning and instructing lessons for EACH child based on their grade level.

The end date for completion of this program and all assigned lessons is FIRM.  You must stay on track to remain enrolled in this program as there are no extensions!  Please keep these parameters in mind when making your registration decision.


How does this program work?

Curriculum: Saint Mary's Press Discover curriculum and resources for grades 1, 3, 4, 5.  For Grade 2 Sacrament Prep Saint Mary's Press Go, Seek, Find. For Grade 6 Saint Mary's Press Connect! curriculum.

Lessons: Parents are delivered a syllabus for the Faith Formation summer semester.  The expectation is that the syllabus will be followed (timeline) as closely as possible.  All lessons listed on the syllabus are to be completed.  Any lessons not included on the syllabus are considered optional and parents may add them in, time permitting, and if desired. 

Accountability:  Although families will have paper resources to use at home (for both parent and student), there is an online digital platform component of the program that must be completed with each lesson, as a REVIEW.  Parents should plan accordingly to ensure that all digital components are complete for credit. Please keep in mind that the online review sessions are not complete lessons! You MUST instruct your child one on one.

Communication:  The Director of Faith Formation will communicate with families enrolled in this program primarily via email correspondence and Flocknote.  It is critical that families check email on a regular basis and their spam folder in case any email is redirected there.  Mark those emails as safe!  Please read all correspondence. You will NOT be emailed unless it is necessary and all information sent to you should be reviewed.

Homework: The Director of Faith Formation reserves the right to assign additional work to be completed at home from time to time, if appropriate or necessary.  

Attendance: Lessons completed (when review sessions are submitted online) are considered "attendance" for the purposes of this program.

Program Website: A website will be available for the dissemination of information should it be necessary and for easy eaccess to resources.  Parents should check in frequently to stay up to date on news and information. Please bookmark the website for convenience.

Parent Participation: Parents operate in their role as  "Primary Catechist" for their child throughout the year, preparing for each lesson, carefylly explaining the truths of our Faith to their children, reviewing content as necessary, and asking questions about and having discussions concerning what was learned.  Parents are also required to attend an orientation session (virtual with cameras on) before they can start the program.  

When is this program available?

This program operates during the summer for an accelerated ten week period, beginning in June and concluding in August.  TIMELY registration is required so that students have adequate time to stay on track and complete all work.  Additionally, the online component of this program allows for progress to be monitored.  Those who fall behind will be contacted to ensure they stay on track.  In rare cases, students may be withdrawn from the program.

What's on the program website?

There are many resources available on the website! 

What are the expectations?

Parents are expected to attend an orientation session to ensure that they understand exactly what is required when enrolling.

Parents must be very proactive at making time to work on lessons each and every week of the summer semester. A suggested syllabus will be provided to you, to help keep you on pace, but there is some flexibility.  The Home schedule reflects an accelerated pace with the goal of completed the same curriculum as students do during the school year.  

Because the lessons can be done at any time, on any day of the week, with 24/7 access to the digital platform, there are NO EXTENTIONS for completion of the program.  A child must complete all assigned content by the course end date for this program to be marked as complete for the year.

Parents are expected to use the publisher's curriculum provided to them as well as the Home Guide, digital resources, and digital platform for lessons.

Parents should also reach out if at any time they have questions, concerns, or need assistance with digital navigation or content.  The digital platform is used for tracking and progress purposes and is not an optional part of the program, but is to be completed and submitted WITH each lesson covered.

What are the important dates for this program?

Schedule for the 2024 Accelerated Summer Session: 

Who are the Catechists?

The catechists are YOU! The parents and guardians!  You'll have great curriculum to work with, a guide to lead you through the lessons, and the satisfaction of knowing exactly what is being taught to your child, with the ability to focus where needed and review when necessary!  

Tell me more that I need to know!

Parents, it is vital that you understand that children enrolled in this program will have BOTH Physical AND Digital components that are to be completed for program credit.  SEE BELOW.

Program Curriculum (Physical):

Program Curriculum (Digital):

Catholic Vision of Love and Empowering God's Children:

Registration for Summer Options is open May 13th-27th, 2024

Registration for 2024-2025 school year options opens mid-late summer!