Special Needs Program

All Grade Levels

The Special Needs Program is open to families from both Holy Sepulcher and Saint Kilian Parishes. This program is designed to assist students with any sort of special need including, but not limited to learning disabilities, physical disabilities, social anxiety, ADHD, autism, Down Syndrome, and more.

Students receive one-on-one or two-on-one instruction from Teen Mentors on the Saint Kilian (Cranberry Twp.) parish campus and work at their own pace on goals developed in consultation with parents so that those goals can be achieved! The adapted Loyola Press Finding God program is our core foundation for instruction. *Parents must remain on-site during all program sessions*

How does this program work?

After an initial intake form is complete, a meeting is set up to discuss student goals and parent expectations prior to a Mentor being assigned to the student.  New students are only taken for a Fall start time, so parents should initiate this process in the late spring or early days of summer.  After consultation and paperwork is complete the assigned mentor will be instructed on goals and how to best proceed with his or her student.  Assuming that sessions will take place in person, the mentor will work at the child's pace and incorporate special interests and teaching methods to achieve the best results.

Please note: It is understood that many special needs students are best instructed in person. If on-site meetings are not possible in the Fall or at any time during the school year, decisions about continuing instruction will be determined on a case by case basis according to the parent’s wishes and based on whether the student can be served well with an online/digital format of instruction.

Is every special needs child accepted into this program ?

So far, we've been able to accommodate all of our Saint Mark families who have expressed interest in this program, in the manner that they prefer.  We will continue to strive to do so in the years to come, but sometime in the future, demand may exceed the number of volunteers available.  Hopefully that won't ever happen.  But if it does, students would be admitted to the program based on the level of need for special assistance in Faith Formation programming.

What are the expectations?

Expectations are simple:  That your child thrives in a personal, fun, faith-filled environment working toward the goals set.  That might mean simply learning more about God and Church, or it may mean working toward the reception of sacraments, over months or years!  But please keep in mind that success also means active participation.  We hope that those enrolled in this program can attend faithfully and consistently so that a strong faith foundation can be formed and maintained.

When is this program available and where does it meet?

Special Needs Meeting Dates will begin late September and conclude just before Easter, Sunday mornings. You will be provided a schedule during the intake and goal setting process.  Location for meetings will be determined by the enrollment number and the need for social distancing. Currently, all Our Faith on Fire! Special Needs on-site sessions take place on the Saint Kilian (Cranberry Twp.) Campus.

What are the important dates for this program? 

Meeting dates for the 2024-2025 Year: Special Needs Program.

Sunday mornings 8:30-9:15 AM.  A parent or caregiver guardian is expected to stay on site, INSIDE THE SCHOOL BUILDING during each session.

Session Dates:

Who are the Mentors?

Although we do have a few adults who volunteer to assist with this program, most of our Mentors are Catholic teens who have been confirmed and are in High School.  We search for teens interested in this program and have been blessed with some wonderful, devoted Mentors.  Our goal is that they stick around until they graduate so that we can provide consistency between student and mentor and avoid too much change, but change is inevitable, and although we strive for your child to have one mentor year after year, at some point that might not be possible.

Know someone interested in becoming a Teen Mentor for Our Faith on Fire! Special Needs?

Teens (or Adults) who have been confirmed and who are interested in assisting with this program should begin by filling out our Special Needs Volunteer Form. We are currently in need of a select few new volunteers.  Please inquire if interested!

Register for Our Faith on Fire! Special Needs

The registration process for Our Faith on Fire! Special Needs begins with a parent filling out an intake form.  Please know that all information shared with us is kept private and is used to make good student/mentor matchers and to assist with planning.  Ideally, parents should start the process during the spring or June at the latest.  After June, a volunteer to work with your child cannot be guaranteed.  Start the Intake Process .