Forward Program

Grades 5 and Up

Our Faith on Fire! Forward is programming designed for students who for one reason or another have not had any formation classes for a number of years, perhaps never!  This happens more often than you might think.  Younger children can generally integrate with their peers and catch up quickly, but older students need to build a foundation before stepping into the classroom as a fifth or even seventh grader.  If your child has not had formation classes in the past, or has been away for several years and is 10 or older, he or she is just the student that Our Faith on Fire! Forward was created for!  Learn more below!

How does this program work?

This program is family based, in the sense that students work with the assistance of parents to complete a primarily online course that instructs them in various Faith concepts based on the Catechism of the Catholic Church. Using a textbook and an online Website Portal, students work through simple modules, one a time, building their knowledge base and growing familiar with basic Catholic teachings.  This is not a stand-alone independent study, but necessitates family support and parent interaction as the student moves through the material.

When is this program available?

This program is available to start at any time.  Parents should anticipate that it will most likely take a few months to complete before enrollment in regular Faith Formation classes can happen.

What's on the Portal website?

There is a wealth of resources available on the website! 

What's a "Module"?

A Module is similar to a Session or Lesson.  It's one chunk that needs to be completed before moving on to the next.  Within a module there would be assigned textbook readings, perhaps a few short instructive videos to watch, and a few activities to complete, most done by journaling.  Once a module is complete, the student can progress to next module.

What does my child need for this program?

Your child will need the following:

What are the expectations?

Does the student ever work with a Catechist?

Parents and students can request a Zoom or Face to Face Meeting with the Catechist as needed for clarification, to have questions answered, to touch base, or to simply ensure that they are on track.  A minimum number of meetings will be suggested but additional sessions are always available upon request.

Who are the Catechists?

The Catechist for Our Faith on Fire! Forward could be any of our Faith Formation staff, depending on the needs or location of the student.  Most students will work with the Director of Faith Formation at Saint Mark Parish, Mary French.  Mary is also the developer of the "Totally Catholic Portal" and it's modules that will be utilized by the students and their parents. Andrea Wheeler, Director of Youth Ministry, and Jo Scheller, Associate Director of Faith Formation will also work with students enrolled in this program when appropriate.

Register for Our Faith on Fire! Forward

Registration takes place on an individual basis.  Families interested in this option should contact Mary French to request more information and to set up an initial call to discuss the options available.