Confirmation Program
Years 1 & 2
The Confirmation program currently utilizes CHOSEN from Ascension Press but curriculum will change for the 2025-2026 year for most Confirmation students. This program includes on-site, weekly Faith Formation classes with a catechist on Sunday (Saint Kilian) or Wednesday (Holy Sepulcher) evenings during the Fall. Parents should be advised that there are also various in-person meeting requirements after the New Year that continue and enhance the formation of the Confirmation students. These are not optional and should be planned for and attended, as if they were a typical scheduled class.
*IMPORTANT NOTE* The schedule and/or format of the Confirmation Prep classes MAY BE CHANGING for 2025-2026. Parents please keep this in consideration as the above description for classes and events may NOT apply after this current school year. Look for updates on how this program will run late spring.
The number of classrooms open for registration directly reflects the number of available volunteers.
Each classroom must be staffed with a catechist and an aide and there must be an ample supply of substitutes.
Help this program by volunteering and opening more available seats for our parish children! VOLUNTEER!
How does this program work?
Curriculum: Ascension Press Chosen. (Curriculum will be changing beginning the summer of 2025).
Lessons: Catechists will prepare and deliver in-person lessons for each 'session' that is on the syllabus during the Fall. Students will be instructed in the classroom and families should be proactive about making sure their child has good attendance. In addition to Fall classes, special events will be held after the 1st of the year that are vital components of this program. Please consult your syllabus and plan for these sessions as attendance is expected!
Communication: Catechists and Faith Formation staff will communicate outside of the classroom with families enrolled in this program primarily via email correspondence and Flocknote. It is critical that families check email on a regular basis and their spam folder in case any email is redirected there. Mark those emails as safe!
Homework: Catechists may assign work to be completed at home from time to time.
Attendance: Attendance is taken at every class session and is expected to be consistent. Please commit when you enroll to prioritizing Faith Formation classes as part of your family schedule.
Special Event Attendance: Your child will have 2 or 3 'special' sessions that they are to attend over the months of January, February, and March. These sessions are NOT optional and are, in fact, a vital and important component of their Confirmation preparation. Dates are set prior to the school year start week so please plot them on your calendars and avoid conflicts so that your child can attend.
Online Learning Platform Component: There are online resources via the publisher such as videos that will be accessed in the classroom or at home if make-up work is necessary. Your child will have their own login information to access these resources. It is possible, depending on the situation or circumstances, that 'at home' lessons will also be assigned.
Parent Participation: Parents should operate as a "Faith Formation Companion" for their child throughout the year, asking questions about and having discussions concerning what was learned. Review any work or notes sent home and continue the conversation! Supplement and reinforce the information throughout the week at home so that it 'sticks'!
When is this program available?
This program is offered at both the Holy Sepulcher and Saint Kilian campus locations and operates during the normal school year, beginning mid-September and concluding just before Christmas (class sessions). After the first of the year, your child will need to attend 2-3 special event sessions during January, February, and March. TIMELY registration is required so that students do not miss critical content and fall behind their peers. Additionally, seats may be limited and classes may fill. Look to register over the later summer months!
What are the expectations?
Parents are expected to ensure that their child has stellar attendance as we prepare for the sacrament of Confirmation and to assist with any content that needs reviewed, reinforced, or introduced and taught at home. Timely drop-off and pick-up is kindly requested as well as attention to detail concerning how to drop-off and pick-up. Our policies and procedures are enforced for a reason. Please kindly comply to keep our students and volunteers safe.
If your schedule does not allow for regular attendance on the day of the week for which you are registering, please consider the alternate location option for your child. Whatever option you choose, it is critical that you prioritize Faith Formation and participate as each program indicates.
Parents are expected to take their children to Mass on a regular basis!
Parents are expected to plan for the special events that take place in the spring and see to it their child attends.
Students are expected to behave with kindness and respect toward their catechists and their classmates at all times.
Inappropriate behavior or behavior that negatively impacts the ability of fellow classmates to learn will not be tolerated.
What are the important dates for this program?
Schedule for the 2024-2025 Faith Formation Year: Confirmation Program
Saint Kilian (Cranberry Twp.) Campus: Sunday Evenings 6:00 - 7:30 PM. Drop off no sooner than 5:45 PM. Students cannot be in the classroom without adult supervision and some catechists may not arrive more than 15 minutes prior to class start time.
Holy Sepulcher (Glade Mills) Campus: Wednesday Evenings 6:00 - 7:30 PM. Drop off no sooner than 5:45 PM. Students can not be in the classroom without adult supervision and some catechists may not arrive more than 15 minutes prior to class start time.
Session Dates (SAINT KILIAN):
September 15, 22, 29
October 6, 20, 27
November 3, 10, 17, 24
December 8, 15
January 5 Special Session - 1:00 PM-3:30 PM at Saint Kilian
February 16 Special Session - 12:30 PM-3:45 PM at Saint Kilian
March 22 (Year 2 only) Special Session - 1:00 PM-3:30 PM at Saint Kilian
Session Dates (HOLY SEPULCHER):
September 18, 25
October 2, 9, 23, 30
November 6, 13, 20
December 4, 11
January 5 Special Session - 1:00 PM-3:30 PM at Saint Kilian
February 16 Special Session - 12:30 PM-3:45 PM at Saint Kilian
March 22 (Year 2 only) Special Session - 1:00 PM-3:30 PM at Saint Kilian
Who are the Catechists?
The Confirmation Program catechists include a wide variety of volunteers, most from our parish, but some from the surrounding area, who have a love and calling to work with our parish children. Volunteers may be parents, retirees, college students, school employees and staff, or even high school students who serve as aides in some classrooms for some programs. We are always in need of new volunteers each year and would love to tell you more if you are interested. Please fill out our Faith Formation Volunteer Form if you are interested in being a part of this very important ministry.
Tell me more that I need to know!
Catholic Vision of Love:
CVOL is still a part of Faith Formation and will be taught in the classroom to your Confirmation Prep child.
Links to lessons can be provided to parents for review of material.
Youth Ministry:
As part of our Confirmation preparation, we incorporate youth ministry participation so that your child has opportunities to bond with peers in a safe, faith-filled environment that incorporates additional formation as Catholic students and service opportunities not only to benefit outside organizations but also in service to our parish and to each other.
Our request for participation is not burdensome and is minimal at best, giving parents the opportunity to have their child participate when it is most convenient for the family throughout the year.
Rarely, a youth ministry event may have a small fee associated with it to cover things such as the cost of an admission fee, food, or transportation. Youth ministry events are NOT parish fundraisers so the cost passed on to you is MINIMAL and often discounted. You are NEVER required to participate in any Youth Ministry event that has a fee. There are plenty of other events to choose from!
Registration is normally open during the summer months for school year programming.
Registration for 2024-2025 opens July 23rd!