For mobile games, data mining is the process to extract data from the game, usually to extract assets and unreleased data. To data mine the game you will need access to a rooted Android device or emulator. This guide is not tested for iOS.

Having these data transmitted via download allows developer to add content to their game without updating the game client. These data are encrypted, and the method to decrypt them is outside the scope of this guide.

Ffbe Download All Data

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Each week FFBE's file size has grown until my phone started complaining about being full. I uninstalled almost everything except for the OS, ffbe, and programs that could be moved to my external drive. Unfortunately, FFBE cannot be moved to an external drive unless you enable developer mode (on Android OS) and force it to go. Being wary of unintentional side effects, I asked on the daily help thread if anyone has done so and jonidschultz gave the suggestion to instead redownload my data. It reduced the total file size from 10.89 GB to 5.01 GB. If this wasn't already blindingly obvious to you and you are running out of space on your hard drive, it's worth a try.

As you may remember, I tried to make a tool to export your account data from the game, given that gumi didn't answer my plea for a official way to do it. Some people pointed some security problem with that tool (not in the tool itself, but the intrinsic problem of asking users to input their credentials directly). It was a little hard to swallow, but they were right (thanks, guys, really), and as endangering the facebook accounts of the people of this community is the last thing I want, I took it down and went to sleep, a little down myself.

What we did is a software that will connect to the game by making the server think it is a legit game client. It can be considered as a "Unofficial Third Party Program" by Gumi, and using it is against the term of service of FFBE. Using it could get your account banned. That's the minus side. On the plus side, this technique has been used for a long time by various people. For instance, the datamine that I use as source for FFBE Equip data uses that mean, and no account was banned because of that. Lastly, all this program do is reading your unit list and inventory, it doesn't modify anything. Still, you're warned, use it at your own discretion.

You can then import the export files into FFBE Equip to override your current inventory/unit collection with the exact data from the game (respectively in the "My inventory" and "My units" tabs on FFBE Equip)! It took 2h before, it can be done under 2 minutes now ! has links to download the two export files. So, you'll get an access to those without needing to use the exporter again (you'll still need to use it if you want to update the data, obviously).

Just be warned, for the moment, there is no privacy settings on, so anyone with your friend id will be able to access your user data. So, if you want to keep it private (I don't see why, but it's your call), you probably shouldn't send you date to for now, and directly download the export files. I just say that for total transparency.

A enormous thank you to u/sanktanglia for his idea of doing a chrome extension, and this collaboration. He did most of the heavy lifting work on this ! As I said before, I hope others sites will make use of this data for new cool features for the community !

Data install, also known as Install or Batch Download, is a feature in several Final Fantasy titles. The purpose is to reduce the overall load times by copying certain common data from the game source to the device storage.

A UMD version was only released in Japan and has a Data Install option. The data install is 282 megabytes. During the installation a chocobo runs in place as the "Chocobo Theme" plays in the background. For the digital release, the full version can be downloaded to a Memory Stick or Vita Card and does not require a supplemental install.

The data install is 317 megabytes. During the installation a fleet of Baron airships races across the waters, their advance on the screen illustrating the data installation progress. The background music is "The Red Wings".

The 2-BD set for PlayStation 4 contains a "Play Disc" and a "Data Disc". Of the pair, the Data Disc should be inserted first, as doing so initiates a file transfer sequence that takes 20-30 minutes depending on hardware configuration. The approximate volume of this data is 85 GB as of release, though system requirements on the package specify a minimum 100 GB free space. The Play Disc can then be inserted to launch the game on-demand.

There are four data install options, with two for each UMD. 554 or 865 megabytes can be installed for disc 1, while 651 or 1,242 megabytes can be installed for disc 2. The background music for the data install is "Divine Fire". The installation screen features a background of flames, and one by one, the twelve Class Zero members will appear on the screen with a full group shot appearing at completion. Appearing in this order are Cater, Trey, Deuce, Jack, Queen, King, Sice, Nine, Seven, Cinque, Eight, and Ace.

After data install is selected from the main menu, the player chooses how much data to install onto the Memory Stick: 245, 373, or 528 megabytes. After a choice is made, the data is saved to the Memory Stick over a period of time dependent on how much is being installed. When finished, load times are reduced, as the game loads more data from the Memory Stick rather than the UMD.

The data install screen features a recreation of the opening screen of the Super Nintendo version of Final Fantasy V, with Bartz and Boco riding across the horizon and "Mambo de Chocobo" playing in the background. If or is pressed during data install, a moogle's "kupo" or a chocobo's "kweh" is heard, respectively.

The data install screen features a recreation of the opening screen of the Super Nintendo version of Final Fantasy VI with Biggs, Wedge and Terra Branford traversing a snowy field in Magitek Armor with the central melody of "Terra" playing in the background, followed by the "Victory Fanfare" when complete.

If or is pressed during data install, a chocobo's "kweh" or a moogle's "kupo" is heard, respectively. If the player presses L, R, and ten times each in order, Kefka, Edgar, and Sabin fall and jump up the screen, and Cyan Garamonde runs away in Magitek Armor. Pressing makes Biggs, Wedge, and Terra hop. This can be done repeatedly.

Mobile games are often larger overall than their initial install, and so most of the game's data, including player progress, is stored server-side. However, because mobile users are frequently limited in the amount of data sent and received over carrier networks, most Square Enix mobile games will offer to download (cache) common data elements. Larger games recommend downloading over a wireless network, such as that provided by terrestrial broadband or any public connection. Caution should be exercised when these operations take place over unsecured networks, especially where microtransactions can be used. As of late January 2019, Square Enix games are prompting players before significant amounts of data are to be downloaded, in line with an App Store for iOS policy that requires notification.

During startup, a mobile game may launch a comparison operation against the server on which it runs. If the cached data does not match the currently available data, then either the differential data will be downloaded, or the client will request the full game. If a version update is also necessary, then the player should be notified and taken to the appropriate app store to retrieve the updated client.

Most, if not all, dungeon data is cached on-demand and may be purged automatically after a period of disuse. It is also possible to manually purge the cache at any time via the settings menu. A troubleshooting feature, it purges only common elements and does not reset the player's progress. This can free up hundreds of megabytes of device storage, though it requires the game to relaunch to get updated hub screen data.

SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title:'[EU] Q65804 Can I transfer my save data to another device and continue playing? - SQUARE ENIX Support Center', summary:'Yes. By saving your save data to iCloud, you can then transfer it by tapping the cloud icon on the title screen, then choosing 'Recover from iCloud.' *You must use the same Apple ID you first registered.Additionally you can transfer your save data to another device by following the steps below:(1) Connect your device to a PC and back-up the data on iTunes.(2) Next, connect the new device to the same PC and restore the data from the back-up on iTunes.For further details or questions on using the Backup option on iCloud, please contact Apple directly:Apple: *Data can only be transferred between iOS devices*Data can sometimes be deleted by mistake when attempting to restoring it, so please be careful during the process. ' }, {button:true} );

The Department aims to fulfill its core mission through transparent, participatory, and collaborative use of data. In implementing the Foundations for Evidence-Based Policymaking Act of 2018 and Open Government Directive, DOJ is publishing high-value data sets that increase transparency and accountability to improve public knowledge of Department of Justice operations. DOJ has registered hundreds of data sets to, a clearinghouse for data from the Executive Branch of the Federal Government. New DOJ data sets continue to be registered as they become available for publication.

Every bureau, office, and division at the Department of Justice is identifying and inventorying potential data sets for release to the public. DOJ strives to serve the public by making more data available, while safeguarding sensitive information from unauthorized disclosure.

This bill requires departments and agencies identified in the Chief Financial Officers Act to submit annually to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) and Congress a plan for identifying and addressing policy questions relevant to the programs, policies, and regulations of such departments and agencies. Additionally, each department or agency shall designate an Evaluation Officer to coordinate evidence-building activities, a Statistical Official with statistical expertise to advise on statistical policy, techniques, and procedures, and a Chief Data Officer responsible for lifecycle data management and other specified functions. The Department of Justice has designated the following executives to fill these roles: ff782bc1db

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