Few-qubit quantum hardware, algorithms and codes, on photonic and solid-state systems 

Mission and Objectives

The mission of the project "Few-qubit quantum hardware, algorithms and codes, on photonic and solid-state systems" is twofold. First, it will develop a few-qubit noisy intermediate-scale quantum (NISQ) co-processor based on photonic or solid-state (Nitrogen-Vacancy center qubits) technologies with the aim of executing protected/mitigated quantum classification and optimization algorithms for anomaly detection. Furthermore, leveraging on the project participants know-how and expertise, it is expected that the project will substantially advance fundamental science related to several branches of physics such as photonics, solid-state systems, quantum computing, quantum information theory or decoherence, among others.

In particular, the project pursues the following objectives:

By addressing these objectives,  we focus on the industrial needs to have this technology readily available in Spain in order to develop our own systems and algorithms and, at the same time, back the Spanish quantum technologies.

