Fernando Marmolejo-Ramos

Fernando Marmolejo-Ramos

Postdoctoral fellow [2014-2016] (Stockholm University, SE)

Visiting Research Fellow [2011- ongoing] (University of Adelaide, AU)

PhD [2011] (University of Adelaide, AU)

MAppSC [2007] (University of Ballarat, AU)

BA [2003] (Universidad del Valle, CO)

(Level B) Research Fellow (human and artificial cognition) | Center for Change and Complexity in Learning | The University of South Australia

Barbara Hanrahan building, room BH3-21, Adelaide, S.A., 5000, Australia

Email: Fernando.Marmolejo-Ramos@unisa.edu.au

Google scholar: link here

Research Interests in Psychology and Cognitive Science

Language comprehension, text comprehension, embodiment of language and emotions, cross-modal (multisensory) perception (processing), machine behaviour.

Research interests in Research Methods and Statistics

Analysis of reaction time and Likert-type data, outlier detection methods, normality tests, statistical graphics, estimators of central tendency, confidence intervals, data analysis, distributional analyses, design and analysis of experiments, robust methods, statistical cognition *.

* "the cognitive processes, representations, and activities involved in acquiring and using statistical knowledge" (Beyht-Maron et al., 2008)

Beyth-Marom, R., Fidler, F., & Cumming, G. (2008). Statistical cognition: Towards evidence-based practice in statistics and statistics education. Statistics Education Research Journal, 7, 20-39.

CV + Publications - Collaborators - Miscellany