Femalix Secrets
Cellulite is a condition where dimpled skin, that kind of looks cottage cheese like in appearance, appears on the hips, buttocks, stomach, and thighs of a person. It's often the result of hard to lose weight from the diet and sedentary lifestyle, although childhood obesity can have an impact, too. Cellulite is mainly attributed to a build-up of fatty deposits between the skin and connective tissues beneath the skin. It commonly affects women, and in the U.S. alone, is estimated to afflict 75 percent of women between the ages of 18 and 85.
How Does A Cellulite Develop
The skin on our body contains a fibrous network of proteins called 'collagen'. The body continuously grows this protein but when the body stops growing, the skin is replaced. When the skin is replaced, the 'dry' skin is compressed on fat underneath. This is why we have 'cellulite' (lumpy skin), which makes the skin look dimpled.
What Causes Cellulite?
Cellulite is exactly what it sounds like: lumpy, bumpy, and generally lumpy fat. It's different from ordinary fat in a few ways. Little is known about what causes cellulites but below may be the causes:
poor diet
an unhealthy lifestyle
accumulated toxins
weight gain
Diet And Nutrition For Belly Fat And Cellulite
There is no way to completely avoid getting cellulite, but there are several steps you can take to prevent it.
Could food be the secret to losing belly fat? Eating the right foods may help reduce abdominal fat and may also help reduce cellulite. According to Self’s nutrition adviser, Dawn Jackson Blatner, M.S., R.D., L.D., eating right is the best way to burn belly fat and lose weight.
Cellulite Treatments
There's no quick fix for lowering body cellulite. But there are certain workouts that can help you firm and tighten your tummy, butt, and thighs with the help of cellulite-breaking techniques. Although diet and exercise can speed up metabolism of fatty acids, they usually can’t eliminate cellulite.
There are also claims of several different types of anti-aging skincare available to make it look less noticeable. But are all anti-aging skincare products effective? Are all anti-aging skincare products safe? Aesthetics experts say that the scientific basis for removals is limited and the jury is still out whether they work or not.
Cellulite Removal
Cellulite removal is done using a number of techniques and procedures. Common treatments include surgical, mechanical and non-surgical treatments such as massage, thermage and Liposonix. These three treatments also claim to be the best options for combating cellulite: Mesotherapy, the Multi-Jet Treatment and the Cellfina cellulite treatment.
Cellulite is something many women struggle with. It can be so bad that it makes a person look unhealthy. Although it is a cosmetic problem only, society sees it as something much worse. You are not alone, Everyone finds having cellulite a horrible and dreadful experience. There's nothing to be ashamed of, in fact, one out of three women has cellulite. Feel confident knowing there are options to help you with this common issue.
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