The pay gap also extends to the modeling rank-and-file. Female models make an average of $41,300 annually, which is 148% more than the men, who earn an average of about $28,000, according to data from Payscale.

There may be good news for male models in the coming years. As more events like New York Fashion Week for men, which is run by the Council of Fashion Designers of America, become the norm, male supermodels are likely to become increasingly in demand. And with greater status, of course, comes more pay.

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Despite consensus that exposure to media images of thin fashion models is associated with poor body image and disordered eating behaviours, few attempts have been made to enact change in the media. This study sought to investigate an effective alternative to current media imagery, by exploring the advertising effectiveness of average-size female fashion models, and their impact on the body image of both women and men. A sample of 171 women and 120 men were assigned to one of three advertisement conditions: no models, thin models and average-size models. Women and men rated average-size models as equally effective in advertisements as thin and no models. For women with average and high levels of internalisation of cultural beauty ideals, exposure to average-size female models was associated with a significantly more positive body image state in comparison to exposure to thin models and no models. For men reporting high levels of internalisation, exposure to average-size models was also associated with a more positive body image state in comparison to viewing thin models. These findings suggest that average-size female models can promote positive body image and appeal to consumers.

I had no positive female role models. As far as I was aware, all the important things in history had been done by men and all the most interesting people were men. Men were stronger, more intelligent and more driven than women. They had all the fun and adventures and made all the decisions, while women cooked the dinner and tried to fit their careers around their children and husbands. I believed this because that is what society was telling me.

Women have had just as strong a place in history, it's just that we didn't hear about them. Either their achievements were overlooked, or else the men they worked with shamelessly took the credit. My parents told me that I could do anything I wanted if I worked hard enough. And I did believe them, but I felt that being female was an annoyance and a bother I could do without, thank you very much.

I also remember watching the film Interstellar at that time, and I was surprised to notice that the cast was almost 50/50 male and female and that women had an equal share of the leading roles. And I was actually quite horrified that this surprised me. This was 2006. Surely women had equal representation by now? The fact that I noticed it says it all, I think. This was not the norm. It was unusual.

For many pathologies associated with aging, female patients present with higher morbidity and more frequent adverse events from treatments compared to male patients. While preclinical models are the foundation of our mechanistic understanding of age-related diseases, the most common models fail to recapitulate archetypical female aging trajectories. For example, while over 70% of the top age-related diseases are influenced by the systemic effects of reproductive senescence, we found that preclinical studies that include menopausal phenotypes modeling those seen in humans make up

It's a man's world, except in the world of making money as a fashion model. According to a new ranking from Forbes magazine, male models are still making a fraction in annual salary when compared to their female counterparts.

Forbes magazine, which tracks the wealth of celebrities, politicians and other influential figures, this week released its list of the world's highest-paid male models. According to the report, the 10 top-earning male models raked in a combined total of $8 million from September 2012 to September 2013 -- about one-tenth of the $83 million the 10 top-earning female models earned during that time.

At the top of this year's list was Sean O'Pry, a 24-year-old from Kennesaw, Ga., and the face of several major campaigns, including Versace, H&M, Hugo Boss and Giorgio Armani. O'Pry made an estimated $1.5 million, which is a pittance compared to the $42 million that Gisele Bundchen, the world's top-earning female model, made in that 12-month period, according to Forbes.

Coming in second on the Forbes list was 33-year-old British native David Gandy, a favorite face for Dolce & Gabbana and Lucky Jeans. He raked in an estimated $1.4 million in earnings in the past year, whereas his No. 2 female counterpart, the Australian beauty Miranda Kerr, made an estimated $7.2 million.

The men's clothing industry rakes in roughly $400 billion worldwide, but the women's clothing industry worldwide is worth about $621 billion. Female models at the top of the fashion industry have multi-million dollar contracts whereas the men largely are hired for photo shoots, Woodard said.

This paper, based on a large-scale field experiment, tests whether a one-hour exposure to external female role models with a background in science affects students' perceptions and choice of field of study. Using a random assignment of classroom interventions carried out by 56 female scientists among 20,000 high school students in the Paris Region, we provide the first evidence of the positive impact of external female role models on student enrollment in STEM fields. We show that the interventions increased the share of Grade 12 girls enrolling in selective (male-dominated) STEM programs in higher education, from 11 to 14.5 percent. These effects are driven by high-achieving girls in mathematics. We find limited effects on boys' educational choices in Grade 12, and no effect for students in Grade 10. Evidence from survey data shows that the program raised students' interest in science-related careers and slightly improved their math self-concept. It sharply reduced the prevalence of stereotypes associated with jobs in science and gender differences in abilities, but it made the underrepresentation of women in science more salient. Using machine learning methods, we leverage the diversity of role model profiles to document substantial heterogeneity in the effectiveness of role models and shed light on the channels through which they can influence female students' choice of study. Results suggest that emphasis on the gender theme is less important to the effectiveness of this type of intervention than the ability of role models to convey a positive and more inclusive image of STEM careers.

The weight-loss method used by adolescent girls is on average unhealthy or commonly called fad diets [1]. The demands of the agency cause wrong dietary perspectives among the models that are caused by low knowledge and high acceptance of the sources of diet types that circulate among the people. Models believe that unhealthy eating restriction including fad diet is beneficial to their weight-loss program. The American Dietetic Association defines fad diet is diet that promises instant weight loss without having to exercise but is not based on a clear scientific basis. This type of unsafe diet can pose a risk of various health problems such as ketosis, disruption of fluid, and electrolyte balance, to cause kidney damage [6].

A diet that carried out with the wrong method continuously will result in insufficient nutrition. Inadequate nutrition can disrupt the metabolic processes in the body, and one of which is hypoglycemia. In Indonesia, there are only few research studies about eating behavior because it is still considered a trivial problem. In fact, this eating disorder can be caused by several wrong perceptions, such as the perception that a thin body is the ideal body shape, thus triggering women to make various efforts to lose weight instantly due to the low psychological aspects and knowledge aspects. Inadequate nutrient intake in the body, such as the result of fad diet, might increase the risk of health problems in the long run. Therefore, this study aimed to analyze the association between fad diets, nutritional adequacy, body image, and nutritional status of female models in Malang City. The hypothesis of this study is that fad diets can affect nutritional status and nutritional insufficiency in female models.

The results of this study indicate that 62% of the respondents have a negative body image. The most models of young women feel dissatisfied with their bodies because of the demands of work that require the appearance and ideal body shape [9]. A female model who has a negative body image perception will have an influence in making efforts to reduce food consumption which will lead to eating disorders. Based on Table 1, it can be seen that more than half (69.0%) of respondents currently (and ever) make efforts to lose weight by the fad diet method. The fad diet method is considered unhealthy because this diet directs a person to consume low calories and nutrients [10].

Based on Table 2, it is known that the type of fad diet that is mostly done by respondents is consuming drinks that are believed to be able to eliminate fat (slimming products such as shakers, slimming tea, and fibrous drinks) as much as 57.6% and dietary methods by consuming one type of food only (carbohydrates, protein alone, or fruit and vegetables only) with a percentage of 55.7%. It was known from the total number of teenage girls at SMAN 8, Yogyakarta, who had fad diet of 23.8% of respondents reduced certain types of food and frequency of eating [7]. Many female models had unhealthy dietary habits included skipping meals, fasting, excessive detoxification, and consumption of diet pills [2]. In addition, unequal and unequal eating habits had an impact on menstrual irregularities in women [11].

In Table 3, it is known that most respondents have underweight nutritional status. The female population who work as models is one of the high-risk populations experiencing nutritional problems because the model groups tend to be underweight [3]. Women models have a lower BMI in women in general [1]. This is quite worrying because female models who are malnourished have a greater risk of developing infectious diseases, anemia, and decreased learning achievement [5]. 0852c4b9a8

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