Felix Zhiyu Feng

Department of Finance and Business Economics

Michael G. Foster School of Business

University of Washington

Tel: 919-627-0157    Email: ffeng@uw.edu

My research focuses on understanding the impact of agency frictions in financial markets and exploring the role of incentives in corporate management, governance, and investment. Prior to joining UW, I was an assistant professor of economics at the University of Notre Dame and a concurrent assistant professor of finance at the Mendoza College of Business. I received a PhD in Economics from Duke University and am a member of the Finance Theory Group.

Curriculum Vitae 

Published and Forthcoming Articles

Setbacks, Shutdowns, and Overruns, with Curtis Taylor, Mark Westerfield, and Feifan Zhang

In Search of a Unicorn: Dynamic Agency with Endogenous Investment Opportunities, with Yifan Luo and Beatrice Michaeli

Ignorance Is Bliss: The Screening Effect of (Noisy) Information, with Wenyu Wang, Yufeng Wu, and Gaoqing Zhang

Dynamic Resource Allocation with Hidden Volatility, with Mark Westerfield

Dynamic Compensation under Uncertainty Shocks and Limited Commitment 

Renegotiation and Dynamic Inconsistency: Contracting with Non-Exponential Discounting, with Doruk Cetemen and Can Urgun 

Foreign Competition and CEO Risk-Incentive Compensation, with Tor Erik-Bakke, Hamed Mahmudi, and Caroline Zhu

Productivity and Liquidity Management Under Costly Financing, with Jianyu Lu and Jing Wang

Caught in the Crossfire: How the Threat of Hedge Fund Activism Affects Creditors, with Qiping Xu and Caroline Zhu

Working Papers

The Incentives of SPAC Sponsors, with Tom Nohel, Xuan Tian, Wenyu Wang, and Yufeng Wu

Financing a Black Box: Dynamic Investment with Persistent Private Information

Buying In and Selling Out: The Dynamic Returns to Investing in Expertise, with Mark Westerfield

Selected Work-in-progress

The Optimal Duration of Incentives and Projects, with Yifan Luo and Mark Westerfield

Operating Risk and Capital Management, with Henry Friedman, Beatrice Michaeli, and Kai Chiu Yang

The Timeliness of Reporting and Intervention, with Gaoqing Zhang

Teaching Experience

University of Washington: Financial Theory and Analysis, Financial Strategy and Planning, Business Finance (Global EMBA)

University of Notre Dame: Intermediate Microeconomic Theory, Asset Pricing Theory

Duke University: Advanced Microeconomic Analysis, Advanced Topics in Financial Economics, Introduction to Econometrics, Time Series Analysis

Summary of teaching evaluations