List of Speakers

  1. Angel Arroyo - Università degli Studi di Genova (Italy)
    • Asymptotic regularity for a mean value property over ellipsoids
  2. Alessandro Audrito - University of Zürich (Switzerland)
    • Existence of segregated solutions to a class of parabolic systems: a variational approach
  3. Luca Battaglia - Università degli Studi Roma Tre (Italy)
    • A double mean field equation related to a curvature prescription problem
  4. Umberto Biccari - DeustoTech (Spain)
    • Controllability of fractional heat equations under positivity constraints
  5. Hardy Chan - ETH Zürich (Switzerland)
    • Fractional elliptic gluing
  6. Sergio Cruz-Blázquez - Scuola normale superiore di Pisa (Italy) & Universidad de Granada (Spain)
    • Curvature prescription problems on manifolds with boundary
  7. Jørgen Endal - Norwegian University of Science and Technology (Norway)
    • Connections between L1-solutions of Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equations and L-solutions of convection-diffusion equations
  8. Juan Carlos Felipe-Navarro - Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (Spain)
    • Saddle-shaped solutions to the fractional Allen-Cahn equation
  9. Maria Angeles Ferrero - Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences (Germany)
    • Unique continuation properties for fractional Schrödinger equations
  10. Claudia García - Universidad de Granada (Spain)
    • Bifurcation theory in Fluid Mechanics
  11. Alejandro Gárriz - Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (Spain)
    • Coupling of Local and Non-local operators
  12. David Gómez-Castro - Universidad Complutense de Madrid (Spain)
    • Singular solutions of fractional elliptic problems
  13. Miłosz Krupski - Norwegian University of Science and Technology (Norway) & Uniwersytet Wrocławski (Poland)
    • Controlled diffusion in nonlocal Mean Field Games
  14. Salvador López-Martínez - Universidad de Granada (Spain)
    • Lane-Emden problems with quadratic gradient terms
  15. Martina Magliocca - Sapienza Università di Roma (Italy)
    • Global Existence and Decay to equilibrium for some crystal surface models
  16. Gabriele Mancini - Sapienza Università di Roma (Italy)
    • Bubbling solutions for large perturbations of the Moser-Trudinger critical equation on planar domains
  17. María Medina - Universidad de Granada (Spain)
    • Helicoidal vortex filaments for the Ginzburg-Landau equation
  18. Juan Carlos Ortiz - Universidade Staudale Paulista (Brasil)
    • Existence of solution for a problem involving the 1-Laplacian operator
  19. Tomás Sanz-Perela - Basque Center for Applied Mathematics (Spain)
    • Maximum principles for integro-differential operators acting on odd functions
  20. Nikita Simonov - Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (Spain)
    • Fast Diffusion Equations with Caffarelli-Kohn-Nirenberg weights
  21. Marcos Solera - Universitat de València (Spain)
    • The total variation flow in metric random walk spaces


Monday 27th

15:30 a 15:55h – Miłosz Krupski

16:00 a 16:25h – Ángel Arroyo

16:30 a 16:55h – Jørgen Endal

17:00 a 17:30h – Coffee break

17:30 a 17:55h – Salvador López-Martínez

18:00 a 18:25h – Marcos Solera

Tuesday 28th

15:30 a 15:55h – Alessandro Audrito

16:00 a 16:25h – Martina Magliocca

16:30 a 16:55h – Umberto Biccari

17:00 a 17:30h Coffee break

17:30 a 17:55h – Nikita Simonov

18:00 a 18:25h – Claudia García

Wednesday 29th

11:30 a 11:55h – David Gómez-Castro

12:00 a 12:25h – Luca Battaglia

12:30 a 12:55h – Gabriele Mancini

13:00 a 13:25h – Alejandro Gárriz

Thursday 30th

11:30 a 11:55h – Hardy Chan

12:00 a 12:25h – Juan Carlos Felipe

12:30 a 12:55h – Tomás Sanz-Perela

13:00 a 13:25h – Juan Carlos Ortiz

------- LUNCH TIME ---------

16:30 a 16:55h – María Ángeles García Ferrero

17:00 a 17:30h – Coffee break

17:30 a 17:55h – Sergio Cruz

18:00 a 18:25h – María Medina


At the webpage of the conference.

  • First you have to fill the online form here. (below you can find translation to english of the registration form)
  • Second, make a bank transfer to

Bank: La Caixa

Bank address: Av. dels Caputxins, 19, 12004 Castelló de la Plana, Castelló

Account number: ES64 2100 4236 14 2200003795

Account holder: Fundación Universitat Jaume I-Empresa

Account holder address: Edificio Consell Social, Universitat Jaume I, Campus Riu Sec, s/n, 12071 Castellón de la Plana, Castellón

Concept: JOVENESRSME2020 (First Name) (Last Name)

Early bird registration fee (Before November 15th, 2019) - 135€

Regular registration fee (Before January 1st, 2020) - 180€