The mission of bifrost is to provide an easy path to deploy ironic ina stand-alone fashion, in order to help facilitate the deployment ofinfrastucture, while also being a configurable project that can consumeother OpenStack components to allow users to easily customize theenvironment to fit their needs, and drive forward the stand-aloneperspective.

I can't get the incredibly clunky method in the Maya node editor of converting Bifrost geometry to Maya geometry to work, despite the fact that I have linked the Bifrost shape node using the bifrostGeoToMaya node to a fresh surfaceshape node created in the node editor.

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BTW As a "generalist" freelancer, I get paid for the images I produce, not the beauty and complexity of my Bifrost graphs, and being able to flexibly RENDER bifrost is a key part of my creative process, AND I've invested a lot of personal effort in creating Arnold (and other rendering engine) shaders over the years that I would like to be able to easily leverage with your new sandbox...

I keep running into this issue of Bifrost stop working with a new scene. I create a sphere (default, 1 unit radius) and create Bifrost Liquid using that. Then, when I hit play, the slider simple runs through the timeline and the bifrost background processing does not kick off. Here's the output I see in the script editor repeatedly:

2. set the bifrost attribute for sim start time (on the container) to 0. Right now its at 1 and your scene files start frame is 0. These need to either match or you need a greater time range to 'kick off' the SC. Try setting the bifrost containers sim start to 10. Still a bug none the less, 0-1 should still be adequate to trigger SC. (SC = Scratch Cache).

Ironically none of these options worked for me. After banging my head against the wall quite a bit a tried a lot of things. What got this to finally work is selecting the "Flush Scratch Cache" command from the Bifrost menu. After that bifrost start the simulation (with my file as is - even without changing the start frame or any other settings). This is very strange because this seems to be the solution for every new scene I create. I don't know what Bifrost doesn't like before I issue the flush scratch cache but that seems to be the trick in my case.

I have noticed that turning off caching in the bifrost options and only having dynamic caching on in maya timeline helps immensely but there is still no scenario where I can iterate on a simulation it just kills my machine.

I was considering if I could hack the data into a "mesh" in bifrost, output it and then though another node in Maya extract it and recombine it into instancer compatible data, but that is just dirty and nasty.

We could allow translating the points geometry using the bifrostGeoToMaya node, with all the properties set up to use with the Maya instancer. Alternatively, we could support the mArrays as you suggest.

Translating "points" geometry would by far be the most userfriendly for people. Then they avoid having to write the node that creates the mayainstancer data and to do the data wrangling inside bifrost.

There is a write to pdc file format. Since I couldn't find what this actually does, I hoped it can export particles in maya particles file format.

With heavy experimenting couldn't get it to work at all.

What is that bifrost pdc file format meant to do at this stage ? Who can import this except bifrost itself ?

I would say that it is priority to make bifrost talk back to maya. Even caching if that's easiest and it should be.

What's wrong with nParticles format ?

Or talk to MASH.

Why ? Because not everyone has time to write compounds and graphs at this stage, and more importantly,

to be user friendly.

Hey there.

For some reason I completely missed your message here, Im really sorry about that.

Did you manage to write up something yourself? If not let me know, and I can try to dig up the plugin code and the bifrost graph stuff for creating the dummy mesh.

After I did my little experiement here we decided to fully skip bifrost for the asset distribution as it was annoying and somewhat slow getting things out this way.

I was hoping to take up this again for our next project, but I can see that there has been no progress and its only Arnold people who can easily bennefit from Bifrost.

But as far as I can see, things are still as before.

Direct output to instancer compatible data would be awesome.

Getting mArray outputs would also be lovely for a more generic capability.

The maya Alembic importer now import particles. I've exported a scatter point to alembic and reimported inside maya and i have particles(legacy). You can use instancer and it works, but i'm not able to do a rotation or a scale. For example, i get an attribute called point_scale that seem not work. I cannot test with an alembic created with Houdini or other softwares to verify if that is a bifrost problem in export or is the alembic in maya that have problem. Someone can test?

The attributes of the bifrostGraphShape node in Maya determine which of the available geometries from the graph appear in the viewport and offline renders. These attributes are available in the bifrostGraphShape's Terminals group in Maya's Attribute Editor.

Is there a way to convert something bifrost outputs back into Maya Nurbs curves, similar to how there is a bifrostGeoToMaya node for meshes? I am able to get curves using the write_Alembic node, so it seems somehow to be possible, but if I write out to alembic cache and have to import that file every time the curves won't be live in Maya. Is there any way to achieve this similar to bifrostGeoToMaya? be457b7860


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