Firaxis attempted to reboot the game in 2003, though it failed to materialize. Development of the game began in 2008, and lasted for four and a half years. Initially envisioned as an exact remake of the 1994 game, the team streamlined various gameplay mechanics and introduced improvements to modernize the franchise for a new audience. Development cycle was longer than other Firaxis games, as it was retooled several times during production. While development of the game was led by Jake Solomon, studio head Sid Meier provided input and assisted the team. Aliens from the original game return in Enemy Unknown, though Firaxis redesigned many of them. The game utilized procedural generation for enemy placement, though the maps in the game were handcrafted by the team. Michael McCann served as the game's composer.

Much like its predecessor, XCOM: Enemy Unknown casts the player as the commander of an elite military organization. As commander, the player directs their soldiers in turn-based combat missions against invading alien enemies. The player controls a squad of between one and six human soldiers or robotic units as they explore each of the game's level. Map layouts are not randomly generated, but enemy placement is. Map selection is also random with the exception of several quests in the main campaign.[1] Fog of war hides the aliens and their actions from view until the player's soldiers are in range and have line of sight on them.[2] Most missions require players to eliminate all threats in a map, though players can choose to retreat and abandon the mission should the situation goes awry.[3][4] The game has four different difficulty levels: easy, normal, classic and impossible. They can also play the game in "ironman mode", which only limits the player to one save. If the player fails a mission, they cannot reload and the game ends.[5] The game features a multiplayer mode for one-on-one tactical battles. Players spend a predefined points budget on assembling a squad of up to six humans, aliens, or a mixture of both. Human units are customizable in terms of weaponry, armor and gadgets. A simplified version of the single-player perk system is present. Alien units may not be customized but possess the abilities of corresponding aliens types in the single-player mode of the game.[6]

XCOM: Enemy Unknown Key Serial


Each squad member can perform a limited number of actions before the enemy, controlled by artificial intelligence in the single-player mode, takes their turn. Soldiers can be instructed to move, attack or both depending on their available action points. They can also perform other actions, such as reloading, remaining in overwatch to shoot any moving enemy in their line of sight, using medkits or throwing greandes, or use any special abilities. Attacking or dashing large distance across a map will immediately end a squad member's turn.[3] The game's user interface will inform the player of the possibility of landing a successful shot and the amount of health the enemy will lose. Squad members can take cover behind objects, which reduces the chance of being hit.[7] The amount of defense a squad member has is indicated by a shield icon. A full cover (indicated by a blue full icon) and a half cover (indicated by a blue half icon) reduce enemy accuracy.[8] A yellow and a red shield show to players that they are being flanked or being completely exposed respectively. They will sustain heavy injuries from attacks due to the lack of any defense. Cover may be destroyed through missed shots or the use of explosives.[8]

As players progress in the game, they will earn experience and eventually be promoted, allowing players to further specialize them.[3] The game features four distinct character classes, with each class having their own unique weapons, gadgets and skills. The Assault class is ideal for close-ranged attack, as they are equipped with a shotgun and has the "Run & Gun" ability, which allows them to shoot after dashing; The support class, which wields an assault rifle, can deploy smoke grenades to obscure enemy's vision. The Heavy class can equip a LMG and a rocket launcher, which can deal a massive amount of damage; The Sniper is equipped with a sniper rifle, allowing them to kill enemies with a high critical damage bonus from afar.[9] Some soldiers may also have access to psychic powers, allowing them to boost their team's willpower, reduce enemy's combat efficiency, and briefly take control of enemy units.[10] Once a class has been selected, it cannot be changed. As they are promoted up the command chain, for each rank they gain, players can select from one of two perks.[11] Each recruit's name and appearances can also be customized.[12] When a soldier's health reaches zero, they may die permanently if they are not treated with medkits in time.[3] Some squad members may also panicked mid-battle, who may then perform a random action, such as shooting at an enemy or a teammate, and miss a turn.[13]

The game's campaign begins in the spring of 2015, as a global alien invasion begins. Prior to the start of the game, a group of countries called the Council of Nations has banded together to create XCOM (short for Extraterrestrial Combat Unit), the most elite military and scientific organization in human history, tasked with defending them from the alien attack. The player assumes the role of the commander of XCOM, and proceeds to engage in a war against an extraterrestrial enemy with overwhelming technological superiority.

After success with shooting down alien scout ships and securing the crash sites from surviving alien crews, as well as interdicting alien attempts to abduct human civilians for unknown purposes, XCOM manages to also obtain the corpses of various different alien troops. Autopsies reveal that all these types have been genetically and/or cybernetically altered, which seems to indicate they are merely foot-soldiers for unseen leaders. XCOM's head of research, Dr. Vahlen, requests that a live alien be captured for interrogation. This also involves developing a specialized weapon capable of capturing a live alien, and constructing a facility in XCOM's subterranean base capable of safely holding a live alien prisoner.

Once the Overseer ship is shot down and the psionic artifact recovered, the massive enemy "Temple Ship" reveals itself in low Earth orbit over Brazil, and starts causing earthquakes even as far away as XCOM HQ. The reverse-engineering efforts enable XCOM to unlock and develop latent psionic powers that are present in certain human beings, thus enhancing their human soldiers. Out of these psychic human soldiers, the most powerful becomes the Volunteer, using the psionic artifact recovered from the Overseer UFO to tap into the aliens' psychic communication "hive", an experience that also increases his or her psionic strength. This allows them to attack and board the Temple Ship to seek out the Uber Ethereal, the leader of the alien invasion.

The team wanted to modernize some of the alien designs from the original game. They were inspired by real-life animals such as insects, spider monkey and gorillas.[41] The team first designed the Sectoids, the first alien species players encounter in the game. Described as a "classic big-headed alien", it was conceived to be easily recognizable, paving the way for Firaxis to introduce more outlandish designs in later parts of the game. The Sectoids demonstrates more "animalistic" behaviours when compared with its appearance in the first game. The Mutons were designed to be physically imposing but ape-like;[42] the Chryssalids is now an alien quadruped without any humanoid characteristic;[31] the Thin Men, who are infiltrators disguised as human, are unnaturally slender. Its design was inspired by the human characters from the animated series on Flux.[42] Other alien designs in the game were inspired by Men in Black and The X-Files.[43] Plans for including large-scale aliens were scrapped. The Sectapod was originally intended to be a hulking enemy the size of a building, but its size shrunk significantly to ensure they can spawn in various levels in the game instead of existing only as a setpiece. Designs that were scrapped included the "Battletoad", which can pull a soldier out from their cover and devour them.[41] Meanwhile, the design for the XCOM soldiers were inspired by action figures, with the team striving for a stylized, bright, flat-textured look.[44][45]

Worldwide Threat: Combat spans the globe as you use the Skyranger to deploy squads to engage the enemy on over 70 unique maps, detect and intercept the alien UFOs in the skies, and interact and negotiate with governments around the world.

The expansion pack XCOM: Enemy Within was released on November 12th, 2013. This expansion introduces new resources, soldier upgrades, equipment, and even a new soldier class to combat new enemy threats; it also adds new maps, new tactical and strategic gameplay, and new multiplayer content. XCOM: Enemy Within is available as a download for PC and MAC for $29.99 and as a separate disc bundled with the Elite Soldier and Slingshot DLCs for consoles for $39.99. For iOS, the standalone game superseded XCOM: Enemy Unknown as the only XCOM title published in the App Store.

Levels draw from a fixed map pool, with plenty of variation in the layouts and cover opportunities, but what keeps them fresh is the randomised enemy placement. The invasion force can be anywhere, on any mission.

This sense of tension is manifested in the fact that troops can panic; a 'Will' stat shows how strong-minded each individual is and under extreme pressure anyone can crack. When a soldier panics, he or she performs a random action (which may include shooting an enemy or team-mate) and misses a turn.

XCOM's focus is on single-player, though, and rightly so. One of the best surprises is the scriptwriting (by one Scott Wittbecker): a snappy mixture of military designations, sci-fi jargon and salty battle dialogue. The substantial campaign is challenging enough on Normal, with a big leap in enemy threat and movement on Classic - both of which are enhanced immeasurably by Ironman mode, which removes the temptation to save-cheat. The last difficulty level, Impossible, is aptly named. be457b7860

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