Ethics of Risk

Contemporary normative inquires remain largely wedded into a fictional world of certainty and complete information where outcomes are either known in advance or are (at least in principle) knowable; normative theories (both consequentialism and anti-consequentialism) remain ill-equipped to handle, there is no clear solution about how normative answers to questions raised by risks and uncertainty on the theoretical or ideal level could become action or decision-guiding in a non-ideal world. My primary research project is to re-engineer ethics by investigating ethical issues involving uncertainties, risk, and incomplete information.

Related Publications:

2019. Rights Against High-level Risks of Harm Impositions, Ethical Theory and Moral Practice, 22(3), pp. 763-778. link

2019. Regarding a Risk-Pooling System of Compensation", Ratio, 32(2), pp. 139-149. link