I can throw all this friendship data at you, I can share the CS Lewis quote I love, Friendship is unnecessary, like philosophy, like art.... it has no survival value; rather it is one of those things which give value to survival", but at the end of the day it is something that feels impossible to describe.

Friendship is deep and powerful and amazing, but it is hard to really explain why. If you have a close friend you just know what I mean. No surprise, when a friend dies, like when a family member dies, we don't "get over it". We learn to live with it. It may get different, it may get easier, but it is always with us.

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This one always feels weird or self-involved to talk about it, but it is a fact so let's all just get over it. When people die it brings up our feelings about our own death. This can be especially true when it is someone who is "like" us and our friends are often "like" us. Research proves it - we are often friends with people who are similar to us in age, health, socio-economic status, education, and who are even genetically similar to us. For real! When they die it is a reminder that we will die and, who knows, it could be soon.

Hi Sophie,

I would first like to start by saying my heart goes out to you in the loss of your best friend. The unexpected loss of a friend at such a young age is incredibly difficult and I hope our page has brought you some support and comfort. This is most likely a confusing and overwhelming time for you and please know that our team and page is always here to offer a safe space and support. I have included a few links below to other posts and resources that I hope will provide more support.

30 Quotes About the Loss of a Friend

Five Tips for Living With a Grief Monster

Thank you so much for this article recognizing the impact of losing a best friend. I lost my best friend six years ago and still struggle at times when I need her advice or to just to talk through some feelings. No one new me like she did and she always provided the best counsel. I feel like I lost a part of myself. Thanks again.

I lost my best friend and my father last month. My friend was like my older brother, I have known him my whole life since our mothers are really close friends too. His family are like my family. He had 22 years old and died from sudden death. He always supported me, and bringed laugh and joy to my life.

My father died from Covid 19, three weeks later. We had a complicated relationship. I made a lot of mistakes and he did it too. But i loved him. Is too much pain and i just wanted to share it.

I lost my friend two months ago. Im 13 she died in a car crash. She was the only one who didnt survive. I had no clue since she was my online friend and I thought she ghosted me and I kept calling for months. One month ago I called her and somebody picked up I thought it was her and I said hey. But it wasnt her it was her mom she said she died in a car crash, it felt like everything stopped I didnt want to beleive it. Her mom cried on the phone for twenty minutes I was speechless I didnt know how to respond and eventually she ended the call. I went on my days like nothing happened because I just wanted to beleive that she was alive and this was a prank and she was going to call me back and say hey sabrina this was all just a big prank. I realised yesterday that she really is gone. I spent all those night thinking about her and wondering when she was going to call me. Shes gone for ever. It hit me like a bus now I cant stop crying I told my parents. It feels like a part of me was ripped. I loved her so much, to the point where I was falling in love with her, now shes gone.

Lost my best friend in a tragic accident this summer. She had just turned 27. There are no words to express the heartbreak. Kinda feels like our friendship was too good to be true. Prayers to all of you reading this

Chemically, you are being compelled to continue the behavior of checking your phone, just like a rat pushing a button for a treat. Your brain says "Yes, you have to do this to feel good," and so you do it. The only issue with this is that you can then start to feel overstimulated or, if the response to the impulse is negative (a spam email, a negative text message), your brain starts to feel agitated, and even anxious with each new stimulus. Crazy, right? So, if you (like me) start to feel crazy when you see that little red bubble with a "35" in it next to your email client on your phone in the morning, it's because you want to get rid of that potential stimulus. You want to get all of that gratification at once instead of your brain waiting to find out whether it's good or bad. You want to ease the tension in your mind.

tag_hash_107You know those phones you hear in the isle of Walmart that have the latest Drake track blasting from them. Along with that might be the owner rapping along while picking up a can of greens. People with the most swag are probably the ones with these ringtones. They may also be the ones you see around campus seemingly always wearing headphones. 

This one always takes me back to my childhood. I feel like I'm 7 years old again putting out cookies for Santa and being so excited for him to come that I can't sleep! The whole season brings us back to our childhoods and makes us all feel like little excited children who believe in magic again.

A season like this one makes it difficult to find any time to write. While the in-store Christmas playlist insists that it\u2019s \u201Cthe most wonderful tiiiiime of the yeeeeear,\u201D I\u2019m still waiting for the \u201Choliday break\u201D on my calendar to begin. Crises at the office, crises in my family, crises in Anne\u2019s family, and COVID on top of it all. Oh, yes \u2014 and a book deadline looming over it all like a laughing supervillain. So, yeah \u2014 it\u2019s been hard to carve out time to write film reviews.

After 28 hrs after the first shot started running to bathroom every 15-20 minutes. Not like during UTI when it feels like I wanna pee but there is no pee, but actually peeing a ton each time lol

I hope it will go away. 17dc91bb1f

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