In contrast, the self-assessment tests I have developed are exceedingly sensitive and have re liabilities, as assessed by coefficient alpha, averaging around 95%. We are, by the way, not asking patients for diagnoses, but rather for how they feel.

The University held 70 live sessions across the two days, 16 of which addressed student support and admissions information, including presentations by Library Services and the Careers Service, and 54 subject-specific sessions. 20 current online students, based as far away as Australia, Canada and Uganda, contributed to the sessions by sharing stories of their experience as online learners with prospective students.

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Actively taking part in interactive subject sessions gave participants an insight into the detail of each programme, and reassured them that online learning is a viable and robust mode of delivery for a masters degree:

A short welcome video is a good way for faculty to introduce themselves to the class. Something quick and captured with a laptop, tablet, or smartphone camera helps students feel welcome and connected to the class.

Providing students the opportunity to work together in a class not only helps them feel connected to the course, the classmates and the instructor, but it also helps them to develop collaboration skills and strategies for learning and working in a digital world. Faculty should not assume that students will know how to do this right away. Working in groups can get messy and become frustrating). Faculty can help students by providing tips and guidance.

While online students should be held to the same standards as face-to-face students, faculty teaching an online class should remain flexible and exercise patience. If this is the first time a student has enrolled in an online class, it may take a bit of time until she or he feels comfortable with the learning management system and with self-regulating habits required to keep up with the work. Working with these students to get on track will be to everyone's benefit by the end of the semester. 006ab0faaa

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