The catastrophe was supposed to have originated in some way from Mr.Trevor, as he was missing in his own apartment; and it was feared thathe had perished in the flames, as he had been known to have some nightsbefore crept stealthily from his bed-room to the study. It did notappear that any of the servants had been sufficiently courageous toattempt his rescue, and of course now all hope of saving the unfortunateold man was at an end, the flames having communicated with the adjoiningpassages before the alarm was given, though even then Mr. Eugene Trevorhad seemed almost inclined to pierce the flames in that direction, sogreat was his horror at the intelligence.

Not very long, therefore, did Mary allow herself to indulge in thebeguiling luxury of her solitary repose; but remembering that there wereloving hearts at home awaiting her return, she aroused herself from thespirit of reverie which was stealing over her, and waiting but to plucksome few sprigs of the first white heath of the season, with one last,lingering look on the fading beauties of the landscape, she rose andturned to depart; but as if arrested by fear or a feeling of wonder,

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Government stores were thrown out to be destroyed, and a mob gatheredaround to catch the liquors as they ran in fiery rivers down thestreets. Soon intoxication was added to the confusion and uproar whichreigned over all. The officers of the law, terror-stricken before thereckless crowd, fled for their lives. The firemen dared not make anyeffort to subdue the flames, fearing an attack from the [Pg 162]soldiers whohad executed the order to burn the buildings.

He gave his staff a farewell breakfast at ourhome. They did not once refer to the past,but each wore a blue strip tied like a sasharound his waist. It was the old headquarter'sflag, which they had saved from the surrenderand torn into strips, that each mightkeep one in sad memory. After breakfast hewent to the door, and from a white rose-bushwhich his mother had planted cut a bud foreach. He put one in my hair and pinnedone to the coat of each of his officers. Thenfor the first time the tears came, and the menwho had been closer than brothers for fourfearful years, clasped hands in silence andparted.

Lawton, who is one of his generals, says OldJack holds himself as the god of war, givingshort, sharp commands, distinctly, rapidly anddecisively, without consultation or explanationand disregarding suggestions and remonstrances.Being himself absolutely fearless,and having unusual mental and moral, aswell as physical, courage, he goes ahead on hisown hook, asking no advice and resenting interference.He places no value on human life,caring for nothing so much as fighting,unless it be praying. Illness, wounds and alldisabilities he defines as inefficiency and indications of a lack of patriotism. Sufferingfrom insomnia, he often uses his men as a sedative,and when he can't sleep calls them out,marches them out a few miles; then marchesthem back. He never praises his men for gallantry,because it is their duty to be gallantand they do not deserve credit for doing theirduty. Well, my own darling, I only pray thatGod may spare him to us to see us through.If General Lee had Grant's resources he wouldsoon end the war; but Old Jack can do it withoutresources.

THIS morning at breakfast, my darlingSally, when you suggested having anoyster roast for my officers after our conferenceto-night, I said that I feared we shouldnot have enough oysters. Our old hunter,Gossett, has just brought in a fine large wildturkey, and with that and the three bushels ofoysters which your uncle sent I think we canget up a fine supper. Don't you, my marvelof a housekeeper? I hope you can, and hope,too, that the good cheer it will provide willhelp us to new and encouraging suggestions,for, as hopeful as I always am, even my heartis in my boots. 2351a5e196

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