Welcome to my personal website!
I am currently interested in Uncertain and Epistemic Reasoning, Temporal and Probabilistic Logics, Logic Programming, Reasoning about Actions and Change and their applications to Artificial Intelligence and Explainable AI.
News and Announcements
Research interests
I'm currently working on:
Trustworthy and ethical AI (w/Massimiliano Badino, Giuseppe Primiero, Alberto Termine)
Probabilistic extensions of typed natural deduction systems (w/Giuseppe Primiero)
Game Theory and Cognitive Science (w/Corrado Sinigaglia, Martina Fanghella and others from CIALab)
Extensions and applications of the Event Calculus (w/Rob Miller, Luke Dickens, Antonis Bikakis)
A depth-bounded extension of ASP system clingo (w/Paolo Baldi, Giuseppe Primiero, Marcello D'Agostino)
Applications of ILASP to explainable AI (w/Matteo Spezialetti, Luca Raggioli, Alessandra Russo, Antonis Bikakis, Mark Law)