Campaign Projects

Projects listed in order of importance

1. Electrical System

The backbone of the electrical system is in good condition. Changes to the electrical system will be dependent upon other projects on this list, such as sanctuary lighting. Costs associated with changes to the electrical system will be bundled into the costs of other projects.

Cost Estimate: $0


Replace existing heating/cooling units and any ductwork for the sanctuary, Plymouth Hall/Kitchen/Fireside Room, and Classrooms #1-4, 6-8. Add heating/cooling to Classroom #5.

Cost Estimate: $175,000-$250,000

3. Chancel

Replace the existing chancel flooring

Cost Estimate: $18,000

4. Sanctuary Lighting

Replace all existing lighting (pendants, chancel spots, exterior aisles) with LED lighting with Riostat dimmers.

Cost Estimate: $18,000

5. Kitchen

Remove floor tiles and acid wash the cement below to match Plymouth Hall's cement floor. Replace cabinets and counters. Paint walls.

Cost Estimate: $35,000

6. Sanctuary Sound System

The existing soundboard is in good condition. We would get new speakers and wiring for them. Update hearing-assisted technology.

Cost estimate: $22,000

7. Carpet in Narthex, Sanctuary, and Office

Replace the existing flooring. We are currently looking at a variety of products to replace the current carpet.

Cost estimate: $34,000

8. Plymouth Hall Bathroom

Increase the bathroom size by extending square footage into the northwest corner of the kitchen. Make the bathroom handicap-accessible. Move entrance to the bathroom to the Fireside Room.

Cost estimate: $40,000

9. Altar Accessibility

Put in a wheelchair lift on the side of the chancel to increase accessibility.

Cost estimate: $10,000