The opera house is part of Oslo's revitalization strategy to redevelop the city's historically industrial waterfront into an active public space and was the first building to be completed in the Bjrvika area. It is built on piles in the Oslo fjord, abutting reclaimed land that extends Oslo's harbor, giving more of the city's waterfront space back to the public.

Inside, its horseshoe-shaped main hall is reminiscent of classical theaters of the past, providing a stage for wide-scale world-class performances. Outside, its open plaza and sloping, walkable roof make the building as much landscape and public space as architecture, making it a local landmark and a destination also for non-opera and ballet audiences. Generous windows at street level give the public a glimpse of the scenery workshop activities, and with eight connected art projects, making it one of Norway's largest public art projects, visitors are invited to awareness and engagement.

Glass panesfirst appeared in churches from the 12th century. The windows were small tobegin with. Norwegian cathedrals, on the other hand, were built with largeleaded glass windows. They were produced in Norway by local workshops.

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These windowswere useful until the second half of the 20th century. By this time, more womenhad entered the workforce, and the disadvantages of the windows became moreapparent. They were complicated and time-consuming to wash.

The buildingwas originally built in the 1770s. It was modernized from the 19th centuryonwards. The businessman Carsten Anker owned the building at the time. He beganto replace the small window panes with large, modern windows.

As you might imagine, a house with no windows could be very dim. On the contrary, many reconstructions have shown that if you place a couple of smoke holes in the right place, you can let in enough light to work by.

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During this time of the year, they also tend to eat Norwegian heart-shaped waffles which are often covered in traditional brunost (brown cheese). Norwegians also love to make gingerbread cookies, often in the form of hearts, which you can see hanging in windows of both shops and private homes.

"Wind and waves are extreme here," Grasdal said. "To withstand all these forces, the building is slightly curved, so it can better take to the waves, and it's thick: [1.6 feet] for the concrete and about [1 foot] for the acrylic windows."

This dramatically angled toilet at Akkarvikodden on Norwegian Scenic Route Lofoten is designed by Manthey Kula and has been designed to mimic the skyline the rugged mountains have carved out behind them. Finished in 2009, the building has no windows around its walls but has instead been designed with huge, almost panoramic, glass roofs which allows light to stream in from above.

Scandinavian windows are becoming more and more popular. This is determined by their great functionality, as well as very good thermal insulation. In addition, the construction and a unique opening system, which is very different from standard windows, make the choice even more attractive. What are Scandinavian windows and why is it worth buying them?

To protect believers from evil, the North wall of Stave Churches is dark without any windows. Some small ones were sometimes added centuries later, after the reformation, to let a bit of light in. Masses were only candle-lit providing a very special atmosphere.

Some Norwegians put red tape over their windows to make little squares(24 to represent each day of advent), and then put something in a squareeach day during advent. Candy advent calendars are also common but somehave gift calendars.

In speech, there is much blending between dialects, Bokml and Nynorsk, but in writing, the varieties are kept more clearly apart. Nynorsk is mostly used in Western Norway as a written language (by roughly 10 % of the people, amounting to about half a million), Bokml is dominant in the rest of the country, and is used in writing by close to 90 %.

Both strategies were followed, and they resulted in two different varieties of Norwegian, called Bokml (derived from Danish), and Nynorsk (derived from Norwegian dialects). I shall deal with them separately here, beginning with Nynorsk.

1917: A new reform encompassing both written varieties endeavoured to bring them closer together with an amalgamation of them as the ultimate future goal. A high degree of optionality between traditional and new forms in both varieties was introduced. In practice, the more moderate changes in Dano-Norwegian, which brought the language closer to the daily speech of the urban elite, were soon accepted in usage, but the more radical ones, consisting of forms similar to Nynorsk and popular (both rural and urban) non-elite dialect speech, were, however, rejected and thus rarely or never occurred in written texts.

1930: A regulation for the national official civil service made it a duty for all governmental offices to use both varieties in their contacts with the public. At this time, Nynorsk had won rural Western Norway and the mountaineous inner areas of Southern Norway, partly also other rural areas in the far south and the north, while Bokml still dominated the rest of the country.

1938: A new spelling reform occurred, also this one encompassing both varieties, introducing many Nynorsk-resembling and dialectal forms in Bokml, and Eastern Norwegian and Bokml-sounding forms in Nynorsk. The optionality was reduced, but still present to a high degree. The new spelling was more controversial than its predecessor, but the German WW2 occupation from 1940 till 1945 froze the language struggle for the time being.

1959: The 1950s saw a heavy struggle against the amalgamation policy, particularly in urban Norway, and particularly from the political right (who for twenty years after WW2 remained in the opposition against the continuously ruling Labour Party). In 1959, a new spelling reform encompassing Bokml and Nynorsk was promulgated, still based on the amalgamation principle, but modifying it, consolidating the 1938 reform rather than taking new steps.

1972: The language commission was replaced by a language council (Norsk sprkrd), with similar, but quite expanded, tasks, such as checking and improving the usage in school textbooks. This council was entrusted with the task of reassessing the Bokml standard on new grounds. It was to base itself on a modified version of the amalgamation policy, viz. to support tendencies in general usage which reduced the differences between the language varieties, but not to take new steps towards amalgamation ahead of spontaneous developments. The strengthening of the minority variety, Nynorsk, also remained an important part of its tasks.

The change from Riksml to Bokml took place in 1929, when it was effectuated by Parliament. This was the first time a formal decision concerning the names of the language varieties was taken by an authoritative body. In informal speech, however, Riksmlhad been firmly established, and it remained in use. After WW2, when the struggle about the amalgamation policy hardened, a struggle about the naming also developed. The resistance movement defending the traditional (thus Danish-like) forms of the language now codified a separate version of the standard, based on the traditional variety of the 1917 reform (see above), but accepting some (minor) features of the 1938 spelling (which had already been accepted in general usage). The movement itself was called the Riksml movement, and the word Riksml therefore marked an ideology, not only a linguistic variety. The term Bokml, on the other hand, was now used to designate the officially standardized variety of the language, which was marked by much optionality, so that Bokml encompassed a variety which included many Nynorsk-derived and dialect-inspired forms as well as a variety of a more traditional kind, but less traditional than the pure Riksml. This pattern remained until the 1980s, when the official language policy had become more accommodating towards the Riksml movement. This meant that the border lines between the oppositional Riksml and the state-run Bokml became increasingly diffuse. Bokml itself had been polarized into two varieties with numerous transition forms, marked by the adjectives moderate and radical. Moderate Bokml was the most Riksml-marked, radical Bokml was stretching towards Nynorsk and popular speech. The problem was that official moderate Bokml resembled Riksmlmore and more, while radical Bokml was pertinently non-Riksml. From the other side, the Riksml movement opened its language codification towards moderate Bokml, accepting a (limited) number of non-Riksml forms where the Riksml equivalents had clearly been marginalized in general usage, thus blurring the borderline towards moderate Bokml even more. This policy took effect during the eighties and nineties.

As I have already stated, the idea of amalgamating Bokml and Nynorsk (I use these names irrespective of which period I treat, for the sake of simplicity) into a future Samnorsk originated at the turn of the century (around 1900). This was supposed to be attained through a gradual process of mutual linguistic rapprochement (tilnrming) between the two varieties. I shall now show how this was planned to be done, and assess the results. be457b7860

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