Une vie de militante 

Fatima Maher and her family immigrated to Belgium nearly 60 years ago, settling in the North of Brussels. Despite living in modest accommodation behind the Martini Tower, they were warmly welcomed by their Italian neighbour, Luigi. The father, Sidi Allal, a metalworker with a passion for music, and the mother, Aïcha, work in Andalusian music and at the Saint-Etienne clinic respectively.

Fatima attended the Tournood local school and then Saint-Vincent de Paul, where she was encouraged to go on to general education after a spell in dressmaking. She overcame the obstacles of discrimination at school with the support of her family and the school.

In the 1980s, the family moved to Schaerbeek, where Fatima became actively involved in revitalising the neighbourhood, notably through the "Schaerbeek Plage" neighbourhood committee. This involvement led to the creation of the Maison de quartier and the Rasquinet park.

Fatima held a number of jobs while volunteering for socio-cultural events, promoting social integration and helping immigrant families discover Belgium. In 2000, she launched the "Sésam" project, a social economy catering service, and trained in French gastronomic cuisine, promoting a social cuisine that offers opportunities to young people and people in difficulty.

Malgré sa retraite récente, Fatima reste très active en tant que fondatrice de « Héritage de Femmes », œuvrant pour des projets d'entraide tant locaux qu'internationaux, témoignant d'un engagement continu en faveur de la solidarité et de l'égalité.
