The 2021

Fatima Fellowship

A free initiative to prepare international PhD applicants for top computer science programs

The Fatima Al-Fihri Predoctoral Fellowship 2021 is a free 9-month program in which students from around the world, who are planning on applying to computer science PhD programs in the United States or Europe, work with current PhD students or researchers on research projects to strengthen their applications. The Fellowship is named after Fatima Al-Fihri who established in 859 CE the oldest-running university in the world, an international university for immigrants in Fez, Morocco.

Research Projects

Starting in April, Fellows are paired with Mentors and assigned a research project to work on closely with their Mentor. The project is designed to provide the Fellow with real experience doing PhD-level research, while also strengthening their application.

Application Guidance

Mentors also provide Fellows with personal application guidance when it comes time to submitting applications, which for most US programs, occurs in Nov-Dec.

Community Seminars

Throughout the Fellowship (approximately every other month), we have seminars in which all of the Fellows participate, get to know one another, and build a community that lasts beyond the end of the Fellowship.

Who's eligible?

If you are a student from anywhere around the world interested in applying to computer science (or related fields like machine learning) PhD programs in 2021 or 2022, you are eligible to apply to the Fatima Fellowship. Our Mentors will work with you to strengthen your application and increase your chances in getting into a top PhD programs in computer science. We expect most applicants to be juniors, seniors, or Master's students, but this is not necessarily a criterion for the fellowship. Values we look for in Fatima Fellows:

  • Commitment: To make meaningful progress on a research project requires 10-20 hours a week. We look for Fellows who can make a meaningful commitment to the program.

  • Courses: To make the most progress in research, you need to have a strong skill set. This usually means taking advanced courses in your chosen field.

  • Community: The Fellowship is a community of students who volunteer their time to help one another. We look for Fellows who have demonstrated a spirit of community.

Our mentors

Our mentors are PhD students, post-docs, and researchers at top universities and research labs, from institutions such as:

"It's very satisfying working with smart students from around the world, and it's remarkable a small effort on my part translates into a huge difference in [my students'] academic career" — 2021 Mentor. Join as a mentor!

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