Siegeable Structure Regulations


This includes falls which are 4 blocks or larger as they will deal fall damage, as well as pits which can trap you.
Anklebiters are not allowed anywhere in a siegeable structure.
Chestbiters are Class B obstructions.

Siegeable Structure Regulations

A siegeable structure is one with all of the following:

1) An overall size of at least a 400-block area.

      E.g. a 20x20 cube has a 400-block area.

2) A capture area: you can choose where you'd like your structure's capture area to be, subject to these restrictions:

      This is where the attackers' objective is in sieges and raids. A common design for a capture area is a throne room.

2.1) The capture area must have at least a 100-block area.

2.2) The capture area cannot be adjacent to any obstructions.

           Adjacent and obstruction are defined at the top of the page.

2.3) Defensive holes in the walls, ceiling or floor are not allowed to be aimed on the inside of the capture area.

          Defensive holes are defined at the top of the page.

3) A route to get into the capture area.

      This is essentially just an obvious path to get from the entrance of the structure to the capture area.

3.1) Non-rammable gates, doors, etc., obstructing the route are not allowed.

    A non-rammable gate consists of less than 9 gate blocks.

3.2) Rammable gates are only allowed to obstruct the route if there is enough space in front of them for a battering ram. There must be at least an area which is 7 blocks long, 3 blocks wide and 3 blocks high for a battering ram to fit. If you have multiple gates close to each other, e.g. inside a gatehouse, assume that prior gates will be broken by the time the battering ram reaches any given gate.

         Rammable gates must consist of 9 blocks or more. See 3.1.

3.2.1) The area up to 7 blocks out from a gate must not be within 5 blocks of any obstructions on either side. This includes chestbiters.

If this space is next to an obstruction, e.g. water, this regulation can be easily followed by making a 1-block-high railing on either side.

3.2.2) If breaking any of the gates on the route with battering rams results in the structure becoming unsiegeable, e.g. water dropping from above the gate onto the route, the structure is unsiegeable.

3.3) All gates which obstruct the route cannot have a combined health over 1500. (You might find /gatehealth useful).

  You can use /gatehealth to add up all your gates' health and make sure the total does not go over 1500.

3.4) The route cannot be adjacent to any Class A obstructions.

  The definition of Class A obstruction is at the top of the page. You can often follow this rule by erecting a 1-block-high barrier between your route and any obstructions.

3.4.1) For any underground part of a bridge, the barrier height required to allow surrounding obstructions is 1.5 blocks instead of 1.

    Underground and bridge are defined at the top of the page.

3.5) If the route is adjacent to any Class B obstructions, the route must have at least a 5-block-wide passage which is free of all obstructions and doesn't vary in height by any more than 5 blocks during the stretch where it is adjacent to the obstructions.

          Class B obstructions are defined at the top of the page. If you want to keep the route 3 blocks wide, you can erect a 1-block-high barrier as mentioned before. If you don't want a barrier, you'll need to follow this rule.

3.6) Any sort of maze is not allowed.

          A maze consists of multiple routes designed to confuse the attackers. You may need to use signs to indicate where to go if your base is quite complicated.

3.7) Ladders or rope are not allowed on the route.

          Attackers are not expected to use ladders or rope since they present very powerful chokepoints.

3.8) The route must be solid.

          You cannot have gaps where attackers can fall through in the route.

3.9) Elevated staircases which are 10 blocks or more above relative ground level are not allowed. If the staircase only has half-block jumps (i.e. stairs or slabs), then they can be up to 30 blocks above relative ground level. Spiral staircases are not elevated.

             Elevated staircases are suspended in mid-air. Relative ground level at a particular point is the ground directly below it.

3.10) Dart traps which can shoot players on the route are not allowed

3.11) The route must past the following test: a staff member will travel the route as quickly as possible by running and jumping, with all obstructing gates or doors open.

3.12.1) If the route has any part underground and the journey takes longer than 1 minute, the structure is unsiegeable.

                 Underground is defined at the top of the page.

3.12.2) If the route is fully overground and the journey takes longer than 2 minutes, the structure is unsiegeable.

4) Anklebiters are not allowed anywhere in the structure.

      Anklebiters are defined at the top of the page.

5) Walls which contain gravity blocks (e.g. sand or gravel) are not allowed anywhere in the structure.

5.1) Auto-regenerating walls (using lava and water) are not allowed anywhere in the structure.

6) The natural terrain which the start of the route connects to must have no Class A obstructions in a 5-block square radius from the central block at the beginning of the route

      This restriction only applies to the part of the area which can be accessed by walking and jumping outwards from that central block.

7) Defensive holes in the walls, ceiling or floor must not be able to be used to strike attackers without them being able to see the defender hitting them.

      Hits with hwachas are exempt from this rule. This rule is very hard to break so don't worry too much about it, as you have to design defensive holes very carefully to break it.


7.2) Defensive holes with openings vertically smaller than half a block are Class A obstructions.

        This can be achieved by stacking snow tiles, for example. Class A means they cannot be adjacent to the main route at all.

8) Cobwebs, quagmire and stabbing thorns are not allowed anywere in the structure.

This includes outside the structure - these blocks cannot be used at all.

Siegeable Structures for Territory

The list of mountainous territories and the definition of underground are at the top of the page.

Gate Health

Last Edited: 22 Apr 2023