Fashion for climate

Zero waste

Sustainable Fashion: Design at the service of the planet and human security.

International Relations & multilateral cooperation.

In 2015 two large agreements realized the way to where we have to go, what direction to take and what we need to do to live on a more sustainable planet, this is how the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Paris Agreement on climate change were adopted. But when we talk about the SDGs and fashion we also refer to the human and labour exploitation of textile production, because sustainability must be analyzed around its three dimensions, i,e. social, economic and environmental.

What will happen in the future?

We live in times of unprecedented changes, however the reality that we are living today is very different, significant and profound, as we see that natural disasters are stronger, that climate change knows no borders, and that the most poor are the most vulnerable. The acceleration of climate change is really something that none of us can predict at all. Our practices and fashion consumption are part of that, we have transformed the way we relate to nature, we have been using it and its natural resources as if they were eternal and finite, we must understand that our nature (earth) is our only home , “There is no planet B” to live.

Modern slavery: In the world of fashion can appear in a variety of ways. Slavery, where human rights and labor are violated. From the harvest of cotton for a shirt, the spinning of the fiber to the yarn, the sewing of the garment and the modeling of the final product. Everything to lower costs but always who is harmed is the worker. We must learn to consume and value every cloth and clothing from its origin, protecting the environment and the worker.

What is sustainable fashion?

Sustainable fashion or slow fashion is a growing movement within the fashion industry as a design philosophy based on sustainability in its three dimensions: social, economic and environmental.

Sustainable fashion emerged to respond to the impacts of the fashion industry on our planet. The cooperation of international society, companies, brands, designers and consumers is important.

We love fashion, that's why we think in a sustainable way. The future will be sustainable and that will be the best fashion trend, do you agree?

What changes are you willing to make to save the planet from global warming?

Sustainable Fashion: An Ethical Future Ahead? We have innovative ideas and this is our opportunity to take care of our planet because there is no planet B.

The fashion industry is projected to account for 1/4 of the world’s carbon emissions by 2050 with the rise of fast fashion, clothing production has increased in number and decreased in quality to satisfy consumer demand.

We should investing in pieces of clothing that can last longer or looking into ethical and sustainable brands working on reducing their carbon footprints.

In Europe, society is increasingly committed to fighting climate change: "Citizen support for climate action".

According to a recent Eurobarometer survey by the European Commission, Europeans are very concerned about climate change and support action across the EU to tackle it.

  • 93% of Europeans see climate change as a serious problem.

  • 93% of Europeans have taken at least one action to tackle climate change.

  • 92% of Europeans agree that greenhouse gas emissions should be reduced to a minimum in order to make the EU economy climate neutral by 2050.


Sustainable Fashion

This project is based on the fashion industry. The environmental impact of the fashion industry is communicated and analyzed, to help and achieve the objectives of the Paris Agreement.
Environmental impact of the fashion industry:The fashion industry is responsible for 20% of total water waste globally. The production of clothing and footwear produces 8% of greenhouse gases.

Our climate, our future!


Did you know this about fast fashion?

Fashion industry globally accounts for:

  • 8-10% emissions (more than aviation)

  • 20% of wastewater production

  • 1x truckload clothing burnt or landilled every second

  • > 1% of used clothing is turned back into new clothes

It is time for the fashion industry to go circular!

Do you Agree?

We cannot continue to use plastic the way we are. As an industry, fashion is heavily reliant on the use of synthetic materials, meaning it’s heavily reliant on fossil fuel production.

Fashion is also one of the biggest contributors to microplastics. New studies are constantly revealing how prevalent these tiny plastics are all around us, impacting our health and the environment.

To fight against climate change, what can we do?

Wear what you already have, swap, thrift, buy second hand, look at your grandpa's closet, rent, but wait before you go into the shopping mall for new stuff.