Usually all goes well, with $70-80 reward per round, but once in a while I get something like a Demon attacking me at 95% sanity 20 seconds in. Last time it happened at Tanglewood - opened the front door, checked the garage, nope, went in the basement, flipped the breaker, was on my way to the truck to pick up more evidence items, door slammed in my face just as I was leaving, "oh, an early ghost event, fun!", dead 2 seconds later. Apparently that was an entrance Demon spawning right on top of my head. Bye-bye $700-ish worth of equipment, back to basic set and incredibly boring and frustrating grind back to the point where I can at least get thermo, salt and camera, as things are a bit faster from there on.

Then I started looting. Besides the Cuman captain, the Cumans didn't have any loot beyond the usual. However, one of the guards got killed in the engagement, and he had near full knightly equipment (regional plate pauldrons, noble's composite chauses, Nurembergian hauberk, golden spurs [2.3k value, +5 to horsemanship]. Basically items with base price 500-3200). Note that the guard's equipment were marked as stolen, but the "Where stolen" location was marked as "who know's where".

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The total loot weight was too much, so I stashed what I couldn't carry back in Henry's house (the chest where Theresa's nails from the prologue were stored is still there) and rode to that blacksmith on the way to Talmberg to offload the loot. The moment I left the area, the aforementioned stolen items lost their "stolen" mark, which so far seems to be permanent (so yay, clean knight-level equipment).

Since I wasn't fully loaded anymore, I fast traveled back to Skalitz to get the rest of the loot. This time there was ANOTHER engagement, now between what looked like four Cumans and four bandits. I let them have at each other, three Cumans and two bandits fell, and the rest ran off. Same deal with the Cumans as before loot-wise, but the bandits were also equiped with knight-level equipment.

At this point I'm going to leave with what I have, I'm not even going to bother with the loot I stashed. It's an insane windfall in weapons and equipment, and I don't want to mess up my fun by having so much equipment and money this early in the game that I have no more purpose in looting and selling.

If you try the same, and aren't ready for taking these guys on, then I suggest remaining mounted and going Parthian on them. I think if I took them on directly I would have been wasted, I suspect the enemies' combat skills are commensurate to their equipment.

Update 2: I've since encountered somewhat similar bandits around the rest of the map. Most of them were near Skalitz, but several were in other areas. However, on average they weren't as well equiped as the Skalitz bandits (e.g. old pauldrons instead of named region pauldrons) and nothing has come close to that guard with knight equipment.

Meet a Farmer: With the help of a low-interest microloan, Nik Bouman was able to purchase new equipment for his hydroponic basil farm, allowing him to quadruple his business and expand access to fresh basil in his community. Read more.

USDA has made changes to the Farm Storage Facility Loan (FSFL) Program to help small and mid-sized fruit and vegetable producers access the program for cold storage and related equipment like wash and pack stations. Diversified and smaller fruit and vegetable producers, including CSAs, are now eligible for a waiver from the requirement that they carry crop insurance or NAP coverage when they apply for a FSFL loan. FSFL can also be used to finance hay barns and grain bins.

Cost share support is also available for farmers pursuing organic certification. Organic farming can integrate cultural, biological, and mechanical practices that foster cycling of resources, promote ecological balance, and conserve biodiversity. Not all small and mid-sized farmers are organic. However, USDA is ready to support those who are interested in the certification process.

Godeken taught math and physics at Alma Public Schools for nine years before focusing solely on farming, and Kathy retired after a 41-year career in education, most of which was spent teaching third grade in Alma.

FSA makes direct and guaranteed farm ownership and operating loans to family-size farmers and ranchers who cannot obtain commercial credit from a bank, Farm Credit System institution, or other lender. FSA loans can be used to purchase land, livestock, equipment, feed, seed, and supplies. Loans can also be used to construct buildings or make farm improvements.

Small-scale farming offers an opportunity to cultivate a sustainable and thriving agricultural venture, even on limited space. To make the most of your micro-farm, having the right equipment is essential.

A market garden is often the centrepiece operation of a micro-farm. There are two pieces of equipment I consider essential here; 1 - the soil blocker; and 2 - the six-row seeder. Both tools meet criteria (c) above.

Another two micro-farm scale equipment choices that save you time and money: the collinear hoe and the flame weeder. These two work together with your precision six-row seeder to keep your garden weed-free with less work.

Conserving water while efficiently irrigating your crops is essential for small-scale farming. Micro-sprinkler and drip irrigation systems provide targeted watering, reducing water waste and promoting healthier plant growth.

The key here is your garden layout. Group crops together that prefer overhead watering and those that prefer soil watering. With the use of rain gauges to measure precipitation and timers to manage the process efficiently, investing in proper irrigation equipment will save you time and money. It will also MAKE you money because more crops will get to market.

Not equipment per se, but I believe every micro-farm should be equipped with a hoop house(high tunnel). There is no cheaper covered space that can save youmoney by growing your own transplants and make you money by extendingyour growing season.

Equipping your micro-farm with the right tools and equipment is key to success. From soil preparation to irrigation and harvest, each tool plays a vital role in optimizing productivity and efficiency on your small-scale farm.

Machinery and equipment are major cost items in farm businesses. Larger machines, new technology, higher prices for parts and new machinery, and higher energy prices have all caused machinery and power costs to rise in recent years.


 If you borrow money to buy a machine, the lender will determine the interest rate to charge. But if you use your own capital, the rate to charge will depend on the opportunity cost for that capital elsewhere in your farm business. If only part of the money is borrowed, an average of the two rates should be used. For the example we will assume an average interest rate of 7 percent.

There is a tremendous variation in housing provided for farm machinery. Providing shelter, tools, and maintenance equipment for machinery will result in fewer repairs in the field and less deterioration of mechanical parts and appearance from weathering. That should produce greater reliability in the field and a higher trade-in value. An estimated charge of 0.5 percent of the average value is suggested for housing costs.

The authority does not have a "pool" of money to finance loans. Instead, it issues a tax-exempt private activity bond to a lender to finance each loan. The loan and its collateral are assigned to the lender as security for the bond. The lender is able to lend money at below conventional interest rates due to the tax-exempt status of the bond. The steps involved in the loan process are as follows:

A qualified borrower can borrow up to $649,400 to purchase agricultural land, farm buildings, farm equipment, and breeding livestock. The maximum loan is $649,400. Of this amount, depreciable agricultural property may not exceed $250,000, with a limit of $62,500 for used depreciable property.

Technological developments in agriculture have been influential in driving changes in the farm sector. Innovations in animal and crop genetics, chemicals, equipment, and farm organization have enabled continuing output growth without adding much to inputs. As a result, even as the amount of land and labor used in farming declined, total farm output nearly tripled between 1948 and 2019.

Median total household income among all farm households ($95,418) exceeded the median total household income for all U.S. households ($74,580) in 2022. Median household income and income from farming increased with farm size and most households earned some income from off-farm employment. About 88 percent of U.S. farms are small family farms, with gross cash farm income less than $350,000. The households operating these farms typically rely on off-farm sources for the majority of their household income. In contrast, the median household operating large-scale farms earned $505,833 in 2022, and most of that came from farming.

House Bill 23-1011 would require manufacturers of equipment like tractors and combine harvesters to sell the tools, parts and digital information to farmers and independent shops so they can make their own diagnoses and repairs.

Kyler Brown, who ranches and farms potatoes and barley in the San Luis Valley, told lawmakers about the scarcity of manufacturer technicians who can fix broken farm equipment. There is just one in the valley. The closest dealer that can service his Case IH tractor is in Pueblo, more than two hours away and over the La Veta Pass.

Opponents also say that farmers already have access to the information needed to service their equipment. Earlier this year, the Farm Bureau and John Deere signed a memorandum of understanding that the company will share some parts, diagnostic and repair codes, and manuals with farmers. 2351a5e196

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