Fathers Are Indispensable

In today’s epistle, we'll explore what it means to be an indispensable father and how you can get started on this journey.

 The Importance of Fathers in Society.

Fathers have a significant role in society as it is essential for the development of the child. They provide support, love, and security to their children which allows for a healthier environment.

In today’s society, fathers have been found to have a profound impact on the child’s well-being and development. These men can serve as a large influence on a child's life that can give them emotional stability and security and this will have a huge positive impact on society.

Fathers are the backbone of families and family is the strength of every nation. The consequences of parenting without a father or the absence of fathers in many homes are having a negative effect on our society today. The increase in crime, rape, babies making babies in our society, just to mention a few can be traced to the absence of fathers in the lives of our young people.

If our leaders place emphasis on learner drivers going through the rigor of testing and exams before going on the road, they also have to ensure that our young men are well trained and educated on the importance of fatherhood.

Why Fathers are Indispensable In The Lives of Children?

As a father, you have the opportunity to be an indispensable part of your child’s life. It starts from the moment you learn about your child’s existence and continues until he or she is a grown adult.

The father’s role in the family is crucial for the development of the children. They are indispensable in many ways not only when it comes to their financial contribution but also in helping with the day-to-day tasks like cooking, shopping, and providing emotional support.

Fathers can help with playtime, discipline, and allow for more time in early childhood when mothers are taking care of children. They provide an important role model for their children. They model their young sons to be stronger and responsible fathers. Protect and model the quality of a good husband to their daughters.

Deuteronomy 1 verse 31 reads “and in the wilderness where you saw how the Lord your God carried you, as a man carries his son, in all the way that you went until you came to this place.’.”

A father is not just a provider, he is everything a child needs to become a responsible adult. A father carries and continues to father his child until the child can stand on his/her own and even continue to provide guidance.

Additionally, fathers can help with self-esteem difficulties that girls can face, which is one of the reasons most young girls end up making wrong decisions when it comes to relationships.

The Disadvantages Society Puts on Dads Who Want To Be Involved In Their Children's Lives

One of the disadvantages for fathers who want to be involved in their children’s lives is the traditional view of parenting. A lot of people believe that mothers are biologically wired to be the best parental partners because they are able to breastfeed, change diapers, and provide physical care. However, this view does not take into account many other factors that fathers bring to the table.

Men who want to be more involved in their child’s life should understand that society still has a long way before they will see them as equal caregivers. They need to push back against this old-fashioned view and make sure they are doing what is best for their children.

The role of a father in society is more important than ever. While it is never easy, fathers are crucial for supporting children in their early years. As the traditional role of motherhood has evolved to include more women in the workforce, fathers are stepping up to fill the gaps. Fathers can be mentors, providers and coaches for their children while mothers are at work.

In conclusion,the role of a father can be summarized in five words: Patient, a counselor, a role model, loving and protective.