False Claims Act Attorney Philadelphia, PA - The Whistleblower Advocates

False Claims Act Attorney Philadelphia, PA - The Whistleblower Advocates - (215) 402-2183

If you feel like you have been the victim of a fraud or waste, you may have a valid False Claims Act lawsuit against your former employer. Under the False Claims Act, anyone who submits false claims for payment is guilty of fraud and subject to criminal and civil penalties. Our Philadelphia law firm represents whistleblowers who have successfully sued companies under the False Claims Act. Call our "False Claims Act Attorney Philadelphia, PA" at The Whistleblower Advocates today. We offer free legal advice to victims of healthcare fraud and waste. If you suspect that your employer is submitting false claims to the government, give us a call today. 

The Whistleblower Advocates

False Claims Act Attorney Philadelphia, PA 

123 S Broad St #1670-B

Philadelphia, PA 19109

(215) 402-2183

In what circumstances does the False Claims Act not apply?

If you work for a federal contractor and you suspect your employer is making false statements to the government, you might be able to sue the company under the False Claims Act. Unfortunately, there are several exceptions to the False Claims Act that can make it difficult to sue your employer. One of these exceptions is called the “public disclosure” exception. This exception states that if you have already made a public disclosure about the alleged fraud, you cannot sue your employer for damages under the False Claims Act. There is a lot of misinformation out there about the False Claims Act and what it means for you. This article explains when the False Claims Act does not apply and why you should contact an experienced whistleblower attorney if you believe you have been a victim of fraud. The False Claims Act is a federal law that allows whistleblowers to sue their employers for damages, penalties, and treble damages. Whistleblowers may be eligible for monetary rewards for information that leads to the recovery of taxpayer funds. The Whistleblower Advocate Philadelphia, PA will assist you in pursuing a False Claims Act case if you have knowledge of fraud against the federal government.

What is a reverse false claim?

A reverse false claim occurs when a company files a claim to obtain money from the government and then submits a fraudulent invoice to get paid. A whistleblower can file a lawsuit under the False Claims Act on behalf of the government in order to recoup any damages they have incurred as a result of the fraud. The False Claims Act was created in 1863 by Congress to stop fraud in government contracts. It allows private citizens to file lawsuits against companies that defraud the government. These suits can be filed by a whistle blower, which is someone who learns about fraudulent activity and reports it to the government. A whistle blower must be an employee of the company involved in the fraud. The whistle-blower’s suit cannot be filed until the government has finished investigating the case. The whistleblower is rewarded for their efforts. The person who uncovered the fraud is entitled to be rewarded in some instances. In a reverse false claim, the government receives a claim and then sends a fraudulent invoice. In other cases, the government knows that the invoice is fraudulent but doesn’t report it. The whistleblower can bring a lawsuit against the company and the government for the losses they suffer. The law protects whistleblowers and they should be encouraged to report fraud.

What does the federal False Claims Act forbid?

The federal False Claims Act (FCA) is one of the most powerful tools available to whistleblowers. It gives individuals who see government fraud the opportunity to report the illegal activity without fear of retaliation from their employer or anyone else. It is the most effective way to expose fraud in the United States government. The FCA also provides monetary incentives for those who come forward to expose government fraud. Because the law applies to any individual or entity that makes, uses or sells a product or service that was paid for by the federal government, it includes contractors, subcontractors, and their employees. It also covers anyone who knowingly submits false or fraudulent claims for payment to the government. As a whistleblower, you have the legal right to bring a lawsuit against the person or company who submitted a false claim, but only if you file your claim within two years of the date on which you first discovered the fraud. The law also gives you the right to share in the proceeds from the lawsuit. The amount you can receive depends on the size of the fraud. For example, the largest single whistleblower award in history was $425 million. This means you could receive up to 30 percent of the total recovery. However, this percentage is only possible if you are an original source of information about the fraud. If you are a relator, or someone who discovers the fraud on their own, you can still share in the proceeds. However, the government must reimburse you for some of the costs involved in bringing the case, including the cost of hiring an attorney.

What could cause a false claim to occur?

There are many things that can cause a false claim to occur. A false claim could be a claim for money that is submitted to the government for payment by a person who does not actually owe that money. This could include a false Medicare claim, false Medicaid claim, false workers’ compensation claim, false unemployment compensation claim, false tax refund claim, false or fraudulent insurance claim, or false tax return claim. The Federal False Claims Act provides protection for whistleblowers who provide information to the government that leads to a civil lawsuit that results in a settlement or a monetary recovery for the government. If you are a whistleblower and you believe you have been wronged, contact The Whistleblower Advocates Philadelphia PA today. Our law firm fights hard for those who have been harmed by false claims. We are committed to helping you and your family obtain justice. We believe that no one should have to suffer the pain and injustice of a false claim.