Fall Arts and Crafts Festival at Solivita

Mission Statement

“To promote the arts and fine crafts within Solivita and surrounding communities including not only the visual arts but also the performing and literary arts.”

Vendor applications, if available due to application deadlines, are at the bottom of this web page.  If the vendor application deadline has past, and you would like your name added to our annual mailing list, please call the Solivita Activities Office at 863-427-7125 or send an email to SolivitaFallFestival@gmail.com with your name, address, email and phone number.  Only handmade art and craft vendor may apply. 

Fall Festival at Solivita

By Jana Malik, Activities Director at Solivita

The annual Fall Festival at Solivita has gotten bigger and better every year, with this year’s event being no exception! On November 4, 2017, the 16th Annual Fall Festival brought 3,500 in attendance! The Fall Festival Committee, a true collaboration of the Solivita Lifestyles Activities Team and 12 residents, meets once a month all year long to plan, suggest, implement, review and improve the biggest event held annually at Solivita.

With vendors being the main attraction, they are required to mail their application form describing their handmade art or craft along with pictures for the Festival Vendor Selection Committee to review, as we only allow original creations. 2017 drew the most vendors to date with 120 spanning from one end of the Village Center to the other and inside three rooms!

This committee also meets with the on-site Food and Beverage Catering team, Hampton Golf, to go over the menus, locations, times, setup, signs and more. This year’s event had eight total food and beverage concessions, located inside and outside, including a BBQ Grille, an International Grille, an Italian themed Wine and Beer Garden, the Bistro Café, a Bake Shoppe and more!

In a courtyard right off the main road and in front of the Solivita Welcome Center was the rambunctious Kidz Zone. This year’s Kidz Zone not only had the usual free make and take-home crafts, face painting, popcorn and balloons, but newly added was a scarecrow stilt walker and a local kids dance company to perform assorted dance style performances to the delight of everyone watching.

The festival endeavors to sponsor and give back to a local charity every year. This year’s charity, the St. Rose of Lima Food Pantry, raised $1,565 at the Fund Drive held on the day of the event from both event entrances. It is double what they raised last year.

The annual festival cannot happen without the assistance from 100 resident volunteers, 30 students from the local high schools, and the housekeeping and maintenance staff at Solivita. It is a true team effort.

All in all, this event always brings the community together to enjoy a beautiful day of “Life in the Sun” at the place we call Solivita.



Taylor Morrison  Solivita Fall Festival 2019

For a view of the day's activities, check out this YouTube video taken at a previous Festival.

"To promote the arts and fine crafts within Solivita and surrounding communities including not only the visual arts but also the performing and literary arts."


Contact Info

Fall Arts and Crafts Festival at Solivita

395 Village Drive, Suite C

Kissimmee, FL 34759


