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@Canioagain this was something I tackled about a year ago in our domo instance. As far as I could find, there was no easy way to query it out of salesforce - it doesn't seem that there is an opportunity history object you can query.

I was able to leverage the opportunity field history and stage history items ( =sf.opp_history.htm&type=5) to build a historic dataset via a python script, which I then loaded to Domo and used an ETL to append to the salesforce_daily_append to create a full opportunity history dataset.

@Canioagain you can get the opportunity history and field history using the domo salesforce connector and using the "Browse objects and field" option and selecting OpportunityHistory and OpportunityFieldHistory. I did a basic writeup when I built this that outlined the main logical steps of processing - let me know if you would like to see that, I'd be happy to share.

This is related to the issue: the date picker is not a datetime field. So we created this field with the HubSpot API. This solves most of the issues as the time is not by default: 00:00:00 but the actual time. 

Still in the sync between salesforce and hubspot there is a 2 hour mismatch for some reason. 5376163bf9

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