Long ago, I attempted to modify CRT-Geom to output 480p-esque scanlines for use with DOSBox, along with a few others over at VOGONS. We had some success, but the result was imperfect. Nowadays we have much more advanced shaders to work with, so I set about to see if any of them were able to deliver out of the box.

So how do you go about testing this? Well, as you would expect, the easiest way would be to load a 480p game, such as anything on the Dreamcast. However, the other big category of 31KHz content is VGA DOS games. As many of you probably know, VGA DOS games internally ran at 320x200 for the most part, but in order to actually display them on VGA PC monitors, which did not accept such low-res signals (at least not at 60/70 Hz), they were line-doubled. This gave VGA DOS games their distinctive blocky, pixelated look. Of course, this was also done to CGA and EGA games running on VGA-era hardware for backwards-compatibility purposes, though that is not how they originally looked. However, by default DOSBox does not actually do this. Thus, you must first enable the normal2x scaler in the DOSBox core options. By pre-scaling the game this way, the shader will see it as 400-line content, and the scanlines will scale accordingly. Of course, you can do something similar with any other 240p content if you so wish by, for example, loading the corresponding video filter under Video settings, or perhaps by adding a simple 2x scaling shader pass.

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However, there is a catch: if emulating 240p faithfully is already a challenge, how much more so 480p is, especially without a 4K+ display! On my 1080p monitor, the issue is the scanlines darken the image a good bit. I toyed with the settings on CRT-Guest-SM for a while, but in the end, the result I liked most actually had no scanlines to speak of:

Maybe I need to mess with it more. I have not messed around too much with the newest shaders, after all. But I can tell you this much: I tried the same setup on my laptop with a 4K display, and the results are MUCH better! Definitely more room to work with there. Shame my graphics card is barely able to handle shaders at that resolution.

When Kodi plays a 4:3 DVD rip, with View Mode = Normal, it scales the video vertically to full screen and horizontally to (screen_x_pixels * 0.75). This is correct for 720p or higher; but if the output is SD, this means the video is horizontally downscaled.

The grey region outside the image is being generated by the processor; everything inside the grey border is the picture that the media player is producing. See the black vertical bars? Kodi is producing those, and downscaling the image horizontally in the process.

I'm far from a tech wizard of any kind, and although 1080p is my default option, I do find myself switching to 480p for extended periods, be it on the PS4 or Wii U. Theirs just something kinda alluring about lower resolutions, everything seems to mesh together and runs smoother, even if really doesn't,........and the loss of detail is made up by the fact that it's harder to spot lower poly textures and just the artificiality of it all. Maybe it's a bit of my mid to late 90s PC days and my preference for low resolution / high frame rate.

I guess I will be doing it a fair bit if the only way to disable the filters on e.g SNES games is to switch to 480p. (Presuming I want to play them on the TV). Still got two weeks until the damn thing arrives.

I remember playing Mass Effect 2 was a nightmare for me because of that. I got my LED after I got my Wii U, so I spent 3 years playing with my PS3 with SD resolution. Most HD games have really small text.

Also, be sure to play your Wii games in 4:3/fullscreen for the sharpest/crispest picture possible. it also looks a little better in motion that away, vs anamorphic widescreen(Wii games are 640x40 native res) which looks soft, ugly(especially on larger TV's) and looks a bit worse in motion I can only handle playing Wii games in widescreen on 37" or smaller displays, even then 4:3 still looks noticeably better.Ā 

Your kinda nuking it though, Killzone :Shadow Fall on the PS4 has notoriously small text, and I still can read it fine, if not slightly better, in 480p.......now, the image isn't as crisp, given the lower res, but the text is fine, most games zoom in very slightly when set at 480p as well, at least on the Wii U and PS4.

I do because I get physically sick from watching widescreen LCD televisions. I have an 8 year old 35" Sharp EDTV that is a 4:3 tube! It looks amazing and can handle 580P and has zero latency which means classic games can be played as they were meant to be rather than pressing a button and waiting 2 seconds for anything to happen on screen!Ā 

It's an intriguing solution to a difficult challenge. Back-compat is seen as a bit of a cash cow: money for old rope, if you will. Both PS3 and PlayStation Vita are more than capable of running PS1 and PSP titles under full software emulation, but downloads that are anything up to 1.4GB in size with no prospect of playable demos erects a barrier to entry that probably makes actual sales of these titles very low. In this sense, the cloud offers plenty of advantages: instant access to the whole library of games on both systems, plus playable demos by default, because the system would simply time-limit access.

We can foresee pitfalls, however. First of all, encoded picture quality would need to be very good. Upscaling a poorly encoded 480p image to 720p (or 1080p, depending on the user's set-up) would only serve to emphasise inadequacies in the video - similar to how low bit-rate digital TV channels can look absolutely awful viewed on an HDTV.

Secondly, there's a real danger that latency would be a deal-breaker, to committed gamers at least, because one way or another we're going to be looking at games that simply don't play as well as they did on the original hardware. The basic principle of Cloud gaming is that PC versions run the game simulation at 60FPS rather than 30FPS, input latency is reduced and that saving is used to mitigate encoding/decoding and transmission lag.

Any kind of legacy console emulator for cloud systems would need to be built to get player commands processed as quickly as possible - faster than they were on the original hardware. Even factoring that in, plus the general improvements we have seen in cloud latencies, the fact remains that a lot of the original PS2 games ran at 60Hz already so the experience is almost certainly going to be diminished regardless in those cases. The question is to what extent the lag would manifest and whether the majority of the userbase would notice.

Some suggestionsĀ 

1. When vods are vodcasted, play them unmuted (since they aren't archived anyway and are essentially canned live broadcasts)Ā 

2. Allow a way to quickly remove muted sections from a vodĀ 

3. Provide editors the ability to fast-forward through vods being vodcastĀ 

4. At least allow editors to see which songs are causing the mute

Some streams you could mute and watch at high quality, other streams you could play in a secondary browser tab and presumably not require data for video that you're not watching, and I think the chat window might pop-out somewhere if you just wanted to follow that without watching the show, but there might be a problem with trying to listen to high-fidelity/quality audio without stuttering.

The video player will buffer causing a long "Latency To Broadcaster" when the streamer has intermittent connectivity issues. For desktop streamers this is usually not a problem. This is a nuisance for viewers watching IRL streamers who are streaming on less reliable mobile connections. Who wants to watch a stream where the "Latency To Broadcaster" is over 30s? or even 10s?

Have an option in the video player where viewers can set the maximum "Latency To Broadcaster"... if the latency falls over 10s the player will automatically skip to the live stream... Ideally I never like to be over 5s from the live stream for streamers that have enabled "Low Latency" 9af72c28ce

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