Impact of climate change on the world

3/20/2023 International News By Vivian, Xintong, MengZhen

Statement: All images in this news article are sourced from the internet.

On March 9th, the Secretary-General of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO), Petteri Taalas, warned in an interview with Kyodo News that sea levels will continue to rise due to global warming, and stated that "our fight against rising sea levels is gradually failing." At the same time, a study by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) on melting Antarctic glaciers shows that the extent of sea level rise may exceed previous predictions. Coastal cities around the world, such as New York in the United States and Tokyo in Japan, will be threatened by higher sea levels. Today, the impact of global warming on the environment is becoming increasingly clear. Global warming leads to glacier melting, which in turn leads to rising sea levels, changes in ocean ecosystems, and other issues.

Changes in climate patterns caused by global warming, including changes in precipitation and temperature, frequent and intensified floods, droughts, and storms, may lead to ecosystem destruction and species extinction, seriously affecting ecosystem services and the ecological economy. Global warming may also lead to an increase in natural disasters such as tsunamis, hurricanes, floods, and wildfires, which may become more frequent and intense. Since 2020, floods caused by global warming have been the most frequent, such as the emergency situation caused by floods in Lambayeque, Piura, and Tumbes in Peru in March 2023. In October 2022, flooding in Nigeria resulted in at least 50 deaths. According to the Nigerian Ministry of Humanitarian Affairs, Disaster Management and Social Development Minister Sadiya Farouq at a press conference, "As of October 24, this year's floods have caused the death of 612 people and displaced 1.42 million people nationwide."

However, the impact of climate change on the world is not only negative, but also positive. For example, the threat of climate change has greatly increased the demand for renewable energy worldwide, promoting the development and use of renewable energy. Climate change has raised awareness and implementation of measures to address it, and may also bring benefits such as reducing pollution, reducing the use of fossil fuels, and reducing emissions. At the same time, the natural disasters and climate pattern changes caused by climate change may have an impact on people's health, such as increasing the incidence of cardiovascular and respiratory diseases due to heat waves and floods. It may also affect agriculture, leading to reduced crop yields and changes in arable land, which may affect global food security. Climate change may even lead to changes in water resources and shortages, which may lead to ecosystem destruction and species extinction, thereby affecting ecosystem services and the ecological economy.

Climate change has not only negative but also positive impacts on the world. For instance, the threat of climate change has greatly increased the demand for renewable energy, driving the development and use of renewable energy. Climate change has also raised awareness and led to the implementation of measures to reduce pollution, such as reducing the use of fossil fuels and emissions. However, the natural disasters and changes in climate patterns caused by climate change may have negative impacts on human health, such as increasing the incidence of cardiovascular and respiratory diseases due to heat waves and floods, and may also affect agriculture, leading to reduced crop yields and changes in arable land, thus affecting global food security. Climate change can even cause changes and shortages in water resources, which may result in ecosystem destruction and species extinction, potentially affecting ecosystem services and the ecological economy.

According to warnings issued by the United Nations, the impact of global warming caused by climate change is becoming increasingly severe, but countries do not have the corresponding ability to address the issue of climate change. In recent years, disasters related to climate change have grown fivefold, causing an average of at least 115 deaths per day and $202 million in losses. Although the number of deaths has decreased, economic costs have increased. It is likely that the situation will continue to worsen.


China Daily website "2023, Global Climate Governance Relies on Action"CCTV website "World Meteorological Organization: Global Warming Causes Continued Rise in Sea Levels, Tokyo, New York and Other Coastal Cities May Face Significant Risks"

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