Learn about the work behind FDR's two science teachers

2023/4/1 Exclusive Interview By Sarah,Xintong

Picture taken with permission

Recently, the FDR News Department interviewed two science teachers Ms.Qadri and Mr.Stephens from our school (FDR) to understand their teaching methods and approaches in the classroom, as well as how they create a positive atmosphere and environment for students. On the afternoon of the 30th, Sarah asked the following questions to the two teachers in the FDR Science Department, in order to gain a better understanding of their work.

How do you both usually divide the work and cooperate with each other before teaching the students?

They mentioned that they work together all day, discussing how to teach students and planning their lessons for the five classes they teach together. They spend their entire day working together and have the same free time and preparation time. They can sit down together to discuss the curriculum and student progress. They come up with new ways to help students and even communicate with each other through phone calls and text messages at home. They always engage in constant communication. Regardless of any important tasks or issues that need to be resolved, they decide among themselves who is the best person to handle the task and distribute tasks among each other, striving to complete them to the best of their abilities.

Is it easy or difficult to teach their students who come from different countries and speak different languages?

In response, the two teachers mentioned that students in their classes come from different countries and speak different languages. They explained that they use a lot of slides translated into students' native languages to help them understand the material. They also make an effort to group students who speak the same language together to encourage collaboration. During class, they utilize a variety of vocabulary and visual aids to create a welcoming and inclusive environment. They emphasize the importance of letting students know that it is okay to speak their own language and express their culture, which helps them feel comfortable and creates a positive learning environment.

We mentioned in the interview how do they keep students interested in the class?

Mr.Stephens expressed the desire to make the students interested in the classroom. They try to find a way to incorporate the culture of some student countries that are related to the content taught in class. For example, when teaching about virtual throwing, they discussed frog dissection. Before starting the lesson, they ask students about their opinions on frogs and if they enjoy eating frog-related food. By doing this, they aim to make students reflect on how the knowledge they learn in class can be relevant to their lives.

They also emphasized the importance of an equal teaching model, where students are aware that there are two teachers instructing the class, rather than one teacher and an assistant. They dislike the assistant-style teaching model and prefer a collaborative approach where they work together to support the students.

How can you help a student when he encounters academic difficulties? Do you have any good suggestions to share?

They mentioned that one significant challenge they face in the classroom is students' use of mobile phones, which can distract them from their learning. The most important thing students can do is to put their phones away and avoid using them during class. They believe that everything done in the classroom should be related to learning, and students need to focus on studying and completing the necessary tasks, including assignments and class activities.

Through this interview, we gained insights into the work of the two science teachers at FDR and how they engage students by sparking their interests. It also highlighted the interactive nature of their classroom and how they strive to help students learn more effectively.

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