Chinese-style Education: The Cost of Nurturing Tech Geniuses

5/13/2023 Asia By Minghui

In recent years, the level of science and technology in China has been rising rapidly, all thanks to Chinese-style education, through strict requirements for students to study hard, and even during holidays, parents are required to go to cram schools, although this has indeed cultivated a lot for the country. Geniuses in various fields, but won't such education have an impact on children's physical health?

First of all, the influence of Chinese-style education is reflected in the psychology of students. Due to the mandatory and standardized examination system adopted by the education system, students compete in high-intensity and high-pressure examinations and pursue high scores, which leads to unhealthy mental states of students, such as too strong a mentality of comparison, and even severe symptoms of anxiety and depression. At the same time, this model ignores the individual differences and interests of students, which limits the personality and free development of students. If students make mistakes in their career planning, they may not find what they really like and are good at in the future, and thus lose their jobs. interest and drive

In comparison to Chinese education, American education excels in certain aspects. For instance, school hours in the United States typically run from 8:00 AM to 3:00 PM, leaving ample leisure time for students. They can hang out with friends and engage in recreational activities until around 7:00 or 8:00 PM, when they begin studying and doing homework. Additionally, there is no requirement for evening self-study sessions. If a student feels unwell during class, teachers show concern and inquire if they need to visit the health office. In cases of academic anxiety, students can communicate with counselors who listen to their concerns and provide encouragement and support. Furthermore, it is rare for American parents to force their children to attend cram schools or resort to physical punishment. In the United States, physically assaulting children is considered illegal and can result in police intervention, except in cases of terrorism. Regardless of the career path their children choose, American parents are generally supportive (excluding terrorists). They frequently encourage their children, celebrate their accomplishments, and instill confidence in them. The impact of American education on children is significant, fostering a strong sense of happiness among American youth.

Furthermore, Chinese-style education has a significant influence on the allocation of teachers and educational resources. The rigidity and bureaucratization of the education system result in an imbalance in resource distribution. High-quality educational resources and qualified teachers tend to concentrate in central and key schools, while ordinary schools often lack excellent teachers and proper facilities. Consequently, children in impoverished areas struggle to access quality education. Insufficient government investment in education also leads to low teacher salaries, subsequently diminishing the overall quality of education and teachers' enthusiasm for teaching.

For example:

Mrs. Lin's son is in the fifth grade, and she and her husband are dedicated to providing a nurturing environment for their child's growth. Due to work commitments, the couple is already extremely busy. They have to allocate spare time to be with their child, making their daily routine feel like a battle against time. They rush to pick up their child after work, and once they arrive home, they face a pile of household chores in addition to assisting their child with homework. The constant flow of notifications from parent groups adds to their headaches. Nevertheless, it's gratifying that their son's academic performance is quite good, consistently ranking first in exams. He also excels in various talents, standing out among his peers. However, not long ago, when the couple finally managed to find some time to take their child out for a trip, they were taken aback when their son looked disdainfully at the family car. He expressed disappointment, mentioning that other classmates' families owned luxury cars while his parents could only afford a cheap one. This incident angered and surprised Mr. and Mrs. Lin, as they never expected their exceptional son to make such comments. They were also shocked to realize that their son's character had developed in this manner without their noticing. They acknowledged that they may have contributed to the problem by constantly comparing their child to others in everyday life, which had fostered a sense of competition and comparison within their child's mind. As a result, he now disdained his parents' car, feeling that it didn't measure up to those of his peers.

Statement: All images in this news article are sourced from the internet.

Of course, Chinese-style education is not without its merits. One of its strengths lies in emphasizing strict discipline and order, teaching students to adhere to rules and regulations. Furthermore, Chinese-style education places great emphasis on rigorous instruction in fundamental subjects, allowing students to acquire a solid academic foundation and extensive knowledge. This plays a crucial role for students pursuing careers in fields such as science and engineering in the future.

Chinese-style education demands discipline, and students put in effort, resulting in relatively high educational standards and quality. Moreover, students generally possess excellent learning and imitation abilities. Most students exhibit characteristics of conscientiousness, diligence, and a willingness to delve deeply into their studies.

It is precisely because of Chinese-style education's ability to cultivate a large number of scientific talents that China has experienced rapid development in recent years, transforming into a major global power. However, it is important to avoid excessively tightening the reins on education, as excessive pressure and control may hinder progress and have negative consequences.