ChatGPT becoming the "Number One Cheat Tool" and "Cheat Detector"?

6/8/2023 Education By Sarah 

  A survey found that 89% of American college students are already using ChatGPT for their assignments. The New York City Department of Education in the United States even asked students and teachers in New York City not to use this AI tool, and set up cards for the equipment or the Internet under the jurisdiction of the Department of Education to restrict access to ChatGPT. Still, there are students who use the AI to complete assignments or cheat.


     What is worrying is that this is not an "unique case", but with the continuous improvement of the level of AI, coupled with the launch of ChatGPT, AI seems to have become an integral part of students' learning. As for whether ChatGPT is "misused" or "good use", it depends to a certain extent on personal principles and the extent to which ChatGPT is restricted.

Beat the magic with magic: How to use ChatGPT as a "cheat detector"?

A professor at the Texas A&M University School of Business pointed out that a total of 10 students in his class used AI to cheat in the final report, and what they used was the "ChatGPT" chat robot program.

In order to confirm how the students cheated through ChatGPT, the professor first sent each student's report to ChatGPT, and then asked whether the student's report was written by it, and finally ChatGPT gave the answer in the affirmative.


Such detection behavior has also set off a wave in American universities. University professors have sent "perfect papers" that they think are zero defects to ChatGPT to ask whether it was written.

A Northern Michigan University professor has found the "perfect thesis" on world religions in a student's homework. The professor said, "This article is better than most students, so good that it doesn't meet my expectations. The grammar is perfect, the structure is reasonable, and the viewpoint is avant-garde." So he asked ChatGPT, and finally it replied: "Yes , 99% of the paper was written by me".

AI cannot surpass AI

  At the same time, some professionals pointed out that because ChatGPT often misjudgments, and under the premise of the limited memory of the AI program, the possibility of errors is quite high, so it is not 100% to use ChatGPT to detect whether students are cheating All reasonable. However, although ChatGPT has been pointed out that there is a possibility of misjudgment, this has not dissuaded university professors from using ChatGPT as a "cheating detector".

Wave of cheating using ChatGpt results in students being wronged

It is worth noting that since college professors use ChatGPT as a "cheating detector", students who are labeled as "cheating" are also among them, and when they claim that their papers are not from the hands of AI, there is almost no evidence. People want to believe them.

      An original essay on socialism written by Lucy Goetz, a high school senior in the United States, is a stark example. The paper originally received the highest score, but Turnitin's AI writing detector said that Goetz's paper ending was generated using ChatGPT. In the end, her teacher came forward to clarify for her that the so-called "using AI to cheat" is absolutely not true.

      "For students, being accused of cheating by an AI is especially frightening," Goetz said. "Unless your teacher knows your writing style, or has a lot of trust in you, there's no way to prove that you didn't cheat."

     Unlike accusations of plagiarism, AI cheating has no source documents as evidence, so teachers must have a clear understanding of students' usual writing techniques and writing scores. At the same time, there are also a few professors who plan their thesis as "AI generation" because of their prejudice against individual students, and draw conclusions on their own.

Attitudes of countries to students using ChatGPT to cheat

The difference between Singapore and other countries is that instead of taking measures to prevent students from cheating using ChatGPT, it is better to use AI programs to assist students in learning, so as to achieve positive results. But at the same time, the National University of Singapore also called on students to use AI tools correctly.

In China, ChatGPT has not become popular in the student circle, but at the same time there have been many topics about "Can ChatGPT replace high school students to take the college entrance examination".

      Many universities in western countries, such as the United States and France, have banned students from using ChatGPT on campus, and stated that they will restrict students from using ChatGPT in a strict way.

     ChatGPT OpenAI CEO Sam Altman (Sam Altman) said in an interview that OpenAI will develop methods to help schools identify AI cheating, and will try watermarking technology and other techniques to mark the content generated by ChatGPT. But he cautioned that there was no guarantee cheating would be fully detected.

      Since ChatGPT was launched, its popularity has been high, and Altman believes that the world must adapt to the flourishing of AI. "It's a changing world and we all have to learn to adapt. I think it's better that way. We don't want to go back to the past," he said.

ChatGPT is abused or used for good: it depends on individual needs and principles

Associate Professor Liang Yongli from the School of Computing at the National University of Singapore said that banning students from using ChatGPT will not help, and there will always be students who try to cheat. It can be used well, and it can also be abused. Those who can cheat will cheat, but they will suffer in the end.

      The advancement of AI represents the innovation and development of science and technology, not to provide so-called cheating channels. As a student, you should also clearly understand the functions of AI. How to view ChatGPT is one of the prerequisites for students to use it. Otherwise, it will be the current students and the human education system that will suffer the consequences in the end. At the same time, it is believed that the controversy about "cheating with ChatGPT" has laid a "prevention" for the education sector, which in turn prompted it to take corresponding measures to ensure the stable results of the quality of education.