Privacy Policy

Your privacy is important to our team and we committed to protecting your privacy. So we’ve developed a Privacy Policy. Please take a moment to familiarize yourself with our privacy practices and let us know if you have any questions.

Information We Collect

Information collected when you use our services

When you use our services, we collect information about which of those services you’ve used, how you’ve used them and the devices you use to access those services. See below for more details:

  • Usage Information. We collect information about your activity on our services. For example, we may collect information about: how you interact with our services, such as date and time you logged in, which emojis you sent, which clothing you wore or which sharing method you used.

  • Device information. We collect information from and about the device(s) you use to access our services. For example, we collect: 1) information about your hardware and software, such as the hardware model, operating system version, device memory, advertising identifiers, unique application identifiers, apps installed, unique device identifiers, browser type, language, battery level, and time zone; 2) information from device sensors, such as accelerometers, gyroscopes, compasses, microphones, and whether you have headphones connected. 3) information about your wireless and mobile network connections, such as your service provider and signal strength.

Information collected when you use this keyboard

  • Collect None of Your Personal Information. We do not collect any Personal Information through the Keyboard app. Personal Information includes your name, physical address, social numbers, email address and geographic location information. We never collect any language Modeling Data with your name, phone number, email address and any other personal identifier. Language Modeling Data such as common phrases or words that you use when typing with our app.

  • We Don’t Collect Face Data. This is a cartoon emoji maker app. Through this app, users can DIY cartoon emojis (such as eyes, nose, mouth, hair etc) with the inbuilt resources, or create personal emoji by using their own images (provided by users). In this way, they can easily create customized emojis just look like themselves. However, we NEVER collect Face Data or other personal information through this process. Your photos are always safe in your own devices. All photos are realtime processed and will never be uploaded to any server. We don’t take any photo information from users. Therefore, users can always use our app without worrying about face data privacy.

  • Non-Personal Information Collected. We collect Non-Personal Information. "Non-Personal Information" is information that does not identify you or any other individual, and includes Session and Usage Data, Log Data and Aggregate Information.

  • THIRD-PARTY KEYBOARD WARNINGS. When you allow full access in the settings under add new keyboard tab, you will encounter a warning message stating "full access allows the developer to transmit anything you type, including things you have previously typed with this keyboard. This could include sensitive information such as your credit card number or street address." But our team’s products are designed Not to receive, store or transmit any such sensitive data.

Camera and Photo Album Permission

Without your consent, we will never access your camera and photo album. For the complete features experience of the app, you may voluntarily permit the access of the Camera and Photo Album to your mobile device. Then you can create your customized emoji automatically and save your edited emoji stickers. Please notice that such a process will not contain any personal identifiable information. All photos are safely stored in your phone. We don't collect, store or share your information with any third-parties.

How We Use Information

The main reason we use your information is to develop, deliver and improve our products and services. Additionally, we use your information for the following reasons:

  • monitor and analyze trends and usage.

  • enhance the safety and security of our products and services.

  • conduct research and analysis of users’ behavior to improve our services and content.

  • process and complete your transactions.

  • send you confirmations, updates, security alerts, and support and administrative messages and otherwise facilitate your use of, and our administration and operation of, our services;

  • provide you with customer support and respond to your requests.

  • comply with legal requirements and assist law enforcement.

  • enforce our Terms of Service and other usage policies.

Your Rights

We want you to be in control of your information, so we provide you with the following tools.

  • Revoking permissions. If you let us use your information, you can always change your mind and simply revoke your permission by changing the settings on your device if your device offers those options. Of course, if you do that, certain services may lose full functionality.

  • Deletion. While we hope you’ll remain a lifelong using, if for some reason you ever want to delete your account. You can also delete some information in the app, like avatar you have created, the keyboard.

  • Uninstall. You can stop all information collection by an app by uninstalling it using the standard uninstall process for your device. If you uninstall the app from your mobile device, the unique identifier associated with your device will continue to be stored. If you re-install the application on the same mobile device, we will be able to re-associate this identifier to your previous transactions and activities.

How We Share Information

We never share your information with third parties. All the information we collect is only for the purpose of optimizing our product and is safely stored in our server in an encrypted format. The information will not be disclosed to any third parties.

Changes to the Policy

Any information that is collected is subject to the Policy in effect at the time such information is collected. We may, however, modify the Policy from time to time. If we make any material changes to this Policy, we will notify you of such changes by posting them on XMoji or by other notification, and we will indicate when such changes will become effective. By continuing to access or use this app after those changes become effective, you are agreeing to have your information collected, used and disclosed as described in the modified Policy.

Contact Us

If you have any questions about this app, please email us.