Facebook App Download

Facebook is a social media platform that spread awareness and connects friends and relatives. Sharing content like posts, images, videos, and some other blog posts on Facebook helps its users to share their ideas and innovative techniques through this platform. You just need to facebook app download on your device and create an account.

Facebook App Download

How to download Facebook on desktop?

Step 1: Turn on your desktop device and open the web browser.

Step 2: Search the facebook app download by typing it in the search box of web browser.

Step 3: You can use Opera, Google Chrome, internet explorer, or Microsoft Edge.

Step 4: Click on the download option and wait until the downloading procedure is done.

Step 5: After downloading click on the downloaded file and start the installation process.

Step 6: When you click on the install option it re-direct the page to the Windows Store.

Step 7: Follow the on-screen instructions and accept the terms and conditions of the application.

Step 8: Access the Facebook application for using it without any restrictions.

Step 9: Open the Facebook app it will opens the login page you've to sign into your Facebook Account if it is created.

Step 10: If you don't have the facebook account then create a Facebook account or register yourself for using the Facebook.

Step 11: Congratulations!! You've successfully downloaded the Facebook Application on your Desktop Device.

How to download Facebook on Android?

Step 1: Unlock your android device and open the PlayStore or Google PlayStore.

Step 2: Type facebook app download in the search box.

Step 3: It shows the results of your search like facebook application or facebook lite application.

Step 4: Click on the facebook application and tap on the Install option.

Step 5: Wait until the installation process is completed.

Step 6: When the installation process is completed click on the file and open the facebook application.

Step 7: Follow the on-screen instructions and grant the permissions to use audio, video, gallery features.

Step 8: Now, log into your facebook account if you've the facebook account.

Step 9: If you're new user of facebook then create an facebook account and accept the terms and conditions of the application.

Step 10: Congratulations! You've successfully setup your facebook application on your Android Device.

Facebook App Download