I have recorded a short facial animation with live link face cam and in the sequencer when i add it i get the head movement but the face is totally static. In the details panel if i have looping and playing set to true it works fine but as soon as i play the sequncer it is just head movements. any advice on how to fix this?

I have a Catwa head too and i simply don't see this expression... Maybe this particular animation is very high priority or your Catwa head needs an update, maybe you could just check the animation HUD that comes with it?

Face Animation

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Some of the newer furniture does include bento face animations. Some good, some not so good. There is usually an option to shut it off in the furniture. Perhaps next time, ask it an amusing fun way for them to shut it off? They generally do override the animations in the head HUD also. As for the distortion part, when you stand up, edit appearance in the pie menu and reset skeleton/animations.

It sounds as if the bed has Bento animations that were not created to work with Catwa heads. If you add your Catwa Anim HUD you'll notice the API button at the top. Make sure that is switched OFF (red) and not ON (green). The API button is what calls animations from third party scripts, and while it should only work with Catwa animations it's worth checking that you have it switched off.

If the issue is fixed, re-attach your AO and try the animations again. Still okay? Start re-activating any gestures that you had enabled (one at a time, and try the bed animations after each one is activated). Still okay? Add any other animated item that you were wearing (eg: genitalia, etc) - again, one at a time while testing the animations in between.

For reference: Animation priorities in Catwa Bento heads are set to 1 for the full face AOs and 4 for the Full Face Expressions, Animated Eyes Moods, and Animated Lips Moods. Depending on the priority of the bed animations, it might be worth setting a neutral Full Face Expression, or creating a custom preset mood using a combination of your favourite Eyes Mood and Lips Mood, and setting it running before you use the furniture's animations. However, if the furniture is also set to a priority of 4 that might lead to some interesting results, but it can't be any worse than your current 'foul-faced bedtime blues'

Skell is always so super helpful. Maybe @Skell Dagger can suggest for CatwaClip a 100% stop button in Catwa heads, that stops all other furniture than you own yourself from animating your face? It is not so easy to go back to furniture you do not own, as in this case. Maybe you don't have a LM, maybe the beau has turned on security?

Would that not stop ALL animations including the ones on the furniture you happen to be using? The best thing would be if all furniture creators had the 'shut off facial animations' button included. I don't expect them to make animations for each and every head that's available either. And let's be frank, why are you even bothering to pay that much attention to those faces? If one is funny/weird/creepy, work it into the RP. Slex is supposed to be fun so have some fun with it.

It is not possible to contol all furniture others own before you do things... And get all furniture creators to include "shut off face animations"? Good luck with that. It is totally not going to happen. Creators do what they want, always did that.

I'm honestly not sure if it's possible to add a 'stop only my facial animations from being controlled by third party scripts' button to the HUD. (There are so many potential variables to this that it could mean the button would need to be clicked each time the animation changed, for example.) I can ask Catwa, but it would be down to whether that's possible, and whether it could be added to the already incredibly complex scripting of the head without messing something else up. We are expecting one more round of updates to the Bento heads at some point in the future (no, they will not be 'upgraded to HDPRO' but there are some things Catwa wants to do with them) so I'll ask her if it's possible to add. Don't count on it, though; it may simply not be possible to either do or squeeze into the scripting that already exists. I don't know if there's enough memory in the scripts to allow for it.

Killing the scripts in the head only stops the head's own animations from running. Third party animators will still be able to move the face (example: Lelutka Axis HUD), since they're moving the bones themselves.

I have not been on adult animations since we got Bento. I can imagine that a stiff expressionless face during it all, are a little boring. Even when we had only the default head, it was possible to use animations like open mouth in some... situations.

This is not how any of this works, animation wise. What happens here is a set of animations that use a different set of joints positions is taking control of a head that uses its own positions, pulling and pushing those joints to the animation positions. Reset skeleton and animations works only on the client that calls this function, but anyone else will still see your avatar head distorted as you saw it before. Revoking permissions doesn't do any good, because the moment you stand up from an object that triggers animations automatically revokes permissions (as well as sitting on one automatically grants those permissions), unless the scripter wrote it badly or did it on purpose. The only way to reset the skeleton from a deforming animation for both user and others who may be seeing the deformed user is to log out and back in, as those animations don't survive relogging.

Scripted methods like turning off third party animations won't work, as the item is a general purpose animated sittable and would not ask the animation hud to plug to it, unless specifically scripted to do so, in which case it would certainly be advertised as such.

The only way to prevent any of this to happen is to have at least one animation made for the specific head at highest priority possible (6), and hope that the creator of this piece of furniture didn't do the same, because animations priority works on a "last triggered animation wins" basis, which means that priority conflicts between animations that share the same priority is resolved by playing the last one that was triggered on top of the second to last for all of its duration. Which not only can deform the avatar, but if the overridden animation didn't provide rotation and position animation data for all the involved joints that the deforming one moved and rotated, those that aren't included in the first animation will not go back into their intended position and rotation when the deforming animation stops playing.

On a side note, the priority war has been fought already for years with AO's meant to override anything and everything, which led to the addition of priorities up to 6 because of a lot of creators unresponsible use of highest priority possible, everywhere. Bento skeletal additions are a clean slate, where we get to use all priorities from 0 to 6, and looking for highest priority safeguarding animations is not a solution as this will lead to all animations always at highest priority, in the attempt to outshine anything that anyone else made. Ask the creators to lower the face animations priorities as they conflict with other people's products, since now there definitely are tools that allow doing that (and I can tell about it, since I'm the creator of an animation exporter plug in that does exactly that, among other features).

Happens to me as well sometimes, and the animations were made specifically for the avatar, which is in my case nonhuman. Tested animation on an identical "pet", identical result. The poses and animations themselves look amazing. But a couple animations and poses just mutilate the head every time, animated face or not. These aren't erotic poses or animations, and not just one creator. Very strange. 006ab0faaa

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