As someone who's learning to screen write I'm trying to think of good movie ideas and recently played Halo CE. I can't shake that the mystery of the ring, shock of the flood, the underdog idea of 1 man and a few Marines vs an army, and even a 2ndary plot with thel'vadam (forgot how to spell the arbiters name). But at the same time MasterChef is not a super complex character in game that can just bounce off of Cortana/guilty and make good enough dialogue for a 2 hour movie and we all know the video game movie curse...

I love the book. Just finished reading it a month ago for the third time but the movie is...meh. First off the glaring issue...the movie doesn't even cover the last half of the book. Secondly alot of the designs are 343 designs (the new shotgun and BR and grunts and elites for examples) and the voice acting is kinda cheesy. The whole thing seems like it was just put together hastily on a budget and honestly I'd just rather they not made it and put their resources into something else (like say novel adaptations of all the games after CE. What are everyone else's thoughts on this?

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The strategy was headed up by Peter Schlessel, former president of production at Columbia Pictures, and he devised a unique approach for selling Halo to Hollwood studios. Microsoft, perhaps with the debacle that was the Super Mario movie in mind, wanted to keep a firm control over Halo, yet it had no experience of dealing with Hollywood.

Updated January 27, 2022, by Belle Huston: We've added the Halo television show to this list, despite the fact that it is not a movie, in respect of its huge impact on the Halo community. Its place in the timeline is a little complicated, though, so read on to learn more!

The Halo television show has received mixed reaction from fans and critics - some love it, some hate it, and some just can't make up their minds. While it isn't a Halo movie, we feel that its monumental impact on the Halo franchise means it deserves a place on this list. We're placing it first because it's actually on a separate timeline from the rest of the films below. It's called the 'Silver' timeline, named after the codename for the TV series before it was officially announced. The timeline has to be separate because there are some key differences between the show and the rest of the franchise, like the fates of the planet Madrigal and the settlement known as The Rubble.

What's still sad about it all is just how great Blomkamp is with action in a science fiction setting and how much effort he puts into the mechanics and design of weaponry and ships and alien races - something that would be essential for anyone else who eventually gets the chance to make the Halo movie.

Well that's quite unfortunate to hear. Coming off of just seeing District 9 last night, I can assure you that Neill Blomkamp would've done one hell of a job with a Halo movie. This guy definitely has the skill to bring that vivid and incredible Halo universe to life on the big screen in the best way possible. Anyone who saw those Halo: Arms Race shorts last year, made by Blomkamp, will probably be let down by this news as well. Now the question is, if a Halo movie ever does happen, who will be able to direct it? Is there anyone out there that really has the talent to bring Halo to the big screen and not screw it up? Any suggestions?

Universal and Fox had partnered up to make the movie a reality. Screenwriter Alex Garland (28 Days Later) had been hired to write the script, and Lord of the Rings director Peter Jackson was on board as producer, with Jackson's South African protege, Neill Blomkamp, set to direct.

"Microsoft's unwillingness to reduce their deal killed the deal," talent agency CAA's Larry Shapiro told Wired last year. "Their unwillingness to reduce their gross in the deal meant it got too top-heavy. That movie could have been 'Avatar.'"

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One of the major disappointments of the Halo show was how the Covenant was handled. The fan-favorite alien race, the Elites, were portrayed as slow-moving, sluggish brutes without any complexity or nuance. In the games, these foes are extremely agile and some of the most dangerous enemies that players encounter. With a larger budget and more cinematic approach, Halo's Elites could be seen as the deadly warriors that they are known as. A movie would give the creative team the time and money to create the Elites with real costumes and animatronics, making them more life-like and frightening than the series' completely CGI versions. Practical effects would also benefit another of Halo's iconic enemies, the Brutes. Giving these aliens a practical feel would add texture and personality to these enemies that were previously lacking.

Halo's story structure also matches more closely with the structure of a movie over a show. Its stories are mostly told in three acts, with a beginning, middle and end, not the winding path of a show. Halo also features something that is a better fit for the big screen -- The Hero's Journey. The titular character of Master Chief, while already being introduced as the galaxy's greatest supersoldier, goes through an immense character arc that transforms him from a soldier into a classical hero. These kinds of stories are far better suited for a film's runtime over a show. Halo's own inspirations, Star Wars and Aliens, are also big-screen sagas that feature a three-act structure with an emphasis on The Hero's Journey.

The saga you're asking about is kind of a sad one, at least for "Halo" video game fans who have been waiting since 2005, the year that Columbia Pictures and "28 Days Later" screenwriter Alex Garland first started working on a movie script. Microsoft reportedly paid Garland a cool $1 million to write a spec screenplay that the company could take to studios.

But then the fall of 2006 rolled around. Development costs started to rise. Uneasy, Universal approached the producers, including Microsoft, and reportedly asked that their shares in the project be cut. And that's when the movie went to hell.

"Microsoft's unwillingness to reduce their deal killed the deal," CAA's Larry Shapiro told Wired last year. "Their unwillingness to reduce their gross in the deal meant it got too top-heavy. That movie could have been 'Avatar.'"

In an agreement between the three companies, Universal will oversee the movie's production and domestic distribution, while Fox controls its foreign provision. The two film studios will split the revenues equally, while paying Microsoft $5 million and 10 per cent of the film's gross.

Variety goes on to suggest the possibility of the movie being synchronised with the release of a new Halo title during 2007 - a year later than was previously expected, with Bill Gates having previously suggested that Halo 3 would appear as a spoiler for the launch of PS3 in 2006.

Although there's no telling what the movie, if it exists, would be about, there is some speculation that it might follow the story of "Halo: Cryptum." That book tells the story of a "species," called the "Forerunners," that lived 100,000 years ago, According to the book's description, the Forerunners were "the keepers of the Mantle, the next stage of life in the Universe's Living Time. And then they vanished."

Although Halo has been able to make the leap to books, the road to the silver screen hasn't been so easy. Since 2005, there has been talk of a Halo film coming to theaters after Microsoft signed a movie deal to get it done. Excitement surrounding the film was palpable when it was revealed that famed director Peter Jackson would be involved in the production of the movie as a producer. But after Universal Studios and 20th Century Fox balked at the financing of the film, which would have cost $145 million, the idea was shelved.

Jackson and his partner, Fran Walsh, had been serving as executive producers on the Halo film. When it collapsed, they instead produced Blomkamp's District 9, a sci-fi movie based on one of his short films. District 9 was released in 2009 and received an Oscar nomination for Best Picture.

The Halo TV Series on Paramount Plus is the latest and most ambitious adaptation thus far. You can find several episodes on Blu-ray and DVD, while others are free on YouTube. As a Halo fan, we highly recommend watching all the Halo movies for a better experience, and for that, we have covered five Halo films for your consideration. be457b7860

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