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A fundamental feature of the theory is that it usually cannot predict with certainty what will happen, but only give probabilities. Mathematically, a probability is found by taking the square of the absolute value of a complex number, known as a probability amplitude. This is known as the Born rule, named after physicist Max Born. For example, a quantum particle like an electron can be described by a wave function, which associates to each point in space a probability amplitude. Applying the Born rule to these amplitudes gives a probability density function for the position that the electron will be found to have when an experiment is performed to measure it. This is the best the theory can do; it cannot say for certain where the electron will be found. The Schrdinger equation relates the collection of probability amplitudes that pertain to one moment of time to the collection of probability amplitudes that pertain to another.

One consequence of the mathematical rules of quantum mechanics is a tradeoff in predictability between different measurable quantities. The most famous form of this uncertainty principle says that no matter how a quantum particle is prepared or how carefully experiments upon it are arranged, it is impossible to have a precise prediction for a measurement of its position and also at the same time for a measurement of its momentum.

Some wave functions produce probability distributions that are independent of time, such as eigenstates of the Hamiltonian. Many systems that are treated dynamically in classical mechanics are described by such "static" wave functions. For example, a single electron in an unexcited atom is pictured classically as a particle moving in a circular trajectory around the atomic nucleus, whereas in quantum mechanics, it is described by a static wave function surrounding the nucleus. For example, the electron wave function for an unexcited hydrogen atom is a spherically symmetric function known as an 1_ orbital (Fig. 1).

Bohmian mechanics shows that it is possible to reformulate quantum mechanics to make it deterministic, at the price of making it explicitly nonlocal. It attributes not only a wave function to a physical system, but in addition a real position, that evolves deterministically under a nonlocal guiding equation. The evolution of a physical system is given at all times by the Schrdinger equation together with the guiding equation; there is never a collapse of the wave function. This solves the measurement problem.[56]

Everett's many-worlds interpretation, formulated in 1956, holds that 2___ the possibilities described by quantum theory 3______________ occur in a multiverse composed of mostly independent parallel universes.[57] This is a consequence of removing the axiom of the collapse of the wave packet. All possible states of the measured system and the measuring apparatus, together with the observer, are present in a real physical quantum superposition. While the multiverse is deterministic, we perceive non-deterministic behavior governed by probabilities, because we do not observe the multiverse as a whole, but only one parallel universe at a time. Exactly how this is supposed to work has been the subject of much debate. Several attempts have been made to make sense of this and derive the Born rule,[58][59] with no consensus on whether they have been successful.[60][61][62]

where 4_ is Planck's constant. Planck cautiously insisted that this was only an aspect of the processes of absorption and emission of radiation and was not the 5________________ of the radiation.[72] In fact, he considered his quantum hypothesis a mathematical trick to get the right answer rather than a sizable discovery.[73] However, in 1905 Albert Einstein interpreted Planck's quantum hypothesis realistically and used it to explain the photoelectric effect, in which shining light on certain materials can eject electrons from the material. Niels Bohr then developed Planck's ideas about radiation into a model of the hydrogen atom that successfully predicted the spectral lines of hydrogen.[74] Einstein further developed this idea to show that an electromagnetic wave such as light could also be described as a particle (later called the photon), with a discrete amount of energy that depends on its frequency.[75] In his paper "On the Quantum Theory of Radiation", Einstein expanded on the interaction between energy and matter to explain the absorption and emission of energy by atoms. Although overshadowed at the time by his general theory of relativity, this paper articulated the mechanism underlying the stimulated emission of radiation,[76] which became the basis of the laser.

By 1930 quantum mechanics had been further unified and formalized by David Hilbert, Paul Dirac and John von Neumann[84] with greater emphasis on measurement, the statistical nature of our knowledge of reality, and philosophical speculation about the 'observer'. It has since permeated many disciplines, including quantum chemistry, quantum electronics, quantum optics, and quantum information science. It also provides a useful framework for many features of the modern periodic table of elements, and describes the behaviors of atoms during chemical bonding and the flow of electrons in computer semiconductors, and therefore plays a crucial role in many modern technologies. While quantum mechanics was constructed to describe the world of the very small, it is also needed to explain some macroscopic phenomena such as superconductors[85] and superfluids.[86]

Microprocessors and microcontrollers are fundamental subjects in the AKTU B-Tech 3rd year curriculum. They lay the groundwork for understanding advanced topics like embedded systems, real-time operating systems, and digital signal processing. Proficiency in these areas opens doors to exciting career opportunities in the field of electronics and computer engineering.

i. If the output of a system at any time t depends only on the past and current values of the input but not on future inputs, the system is said to be causal (non-anticipative). Causal systems operate in real time.

This article describes how OOP is implemented in the ________________________. As a user of these frameworks, you need to understand the techniques, because you will need to apply them also to your own application-level code. But these techniques are not limited only to developing QP/C applications and are applicable generally to any C program.

Polymorphism is the ability to substitute objects of matching interfaces for one another at run-time. C++ implements polymorphism with virtual functions. In C, you can also implement virtual functions in a number of ways [1,4,10]. The implementation presented here (and used in the QP/C real-time framework) has very similar performance and memory overhead as virtual functions in C++ [4,7,8].

Polymorphism turned out to be quite involved, and if you intend to use it extensively, you would be probably better off by switching to C++. However, if you build or use libraries (such as the QP/C real-time embedded framework), the complexities of the OOP in C can be confined to the library and can be effectively hidden from the application developers.

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