publications and manuscripts (ordered chronologically)

In preparation

Joo, Sehrang, Sami Yousif, Fabienne Martin, Frank Keil and Joshua Knobe. No privileged link between intentionality and causation. Generalizable effects of agency in language. 

Martin, Fabienne, Yining Nie, Imke Driemel, Johannes Hein, and Artemis Alexiadou.  Morphological transparency and redundancy in child language. 

Gehrke, Berit and Fabienne Martin.  (Between) events and states.


Martin, Fabienne, Hongyuan Sun, Jinhong Liu and Hamida Demirdache. Under review. Monomorphemic verbs in Mandarin  Chinese and their anticausative vs. antiagentive alternants.

Martin, Fabienne, Ivona Ilic and Artemis Alexiadou. Under revision. What do children do with do? Do as a marker or agency in child English..

Martin, Fabienne, Florian Schäfer and Christopher Pinon. Resubmitted. Transitive verbs with inchoative semantics.

Martin, Fabienne, Florian Schäfer and Itamar Kastner.  Resubmitted. The lexical pragmatics of reflexive marking. 


Hein, Johannes, Imke Driemel, Fabienne Martin, Yining Nie and Artemis Alexiadou. Accepted with minor revisions. Errors of multiple exponence in Child English: A study of past tense formation. Morphology


Martin, Fabienne, Hongyuan Sun, Jinhong Liu and Hamida Demirdache. 2023On the zero-change construal of causative simple verbs in Mandarin Chinese. Proceedings of Triple A  7.

Hein, Johannes, Imke Driemel, Fabienne Martin, Yining Nie & Artemis Alexiadou. 2023. Errors of multiple exponence in child language. In Proceeding of the 40th West Coast Conference in Formal Linguistics (WCCFL).

Martin, Fabienne. 2023. The syntax of causatives in the Romance languages. Oxford Encyclopedia of Romance linguistics.


Joo, Sehrang, Sami Yousif, Fabienne Martin, Frank Keil and Joshua Knobe. 2022. No privileged link between intentionality and causation. Generalizable effects of agency in language. Proceedings of CogSci 2022.

Martin, Fabienne, Yining Nie, Artemis  Alexiadou, Maria-Teresa Guasti, 2022, Wearing Causation on its Sleeve: Overt cause in Child French Causatives, BUCLD 46 Proceedings.

Martin, Fabienne and Sudha Arunachalam. 2022. Optional se constructions and flavours of applicatives in Spanish. Isogloss.


Martin, Fabienne, Hongyuan Sun, Jinhong Liu and  Hamida Demirdache 2021.  Why  one  can kill Rasputin  twice in Mandarin. Proceedings of Sinn und Bedeutung 25.

Martin, Fabienne, Meg Grant, Christopher Piñón & Florian Schäfer. 2021. A new case of low modality: goal-PPs. Proceedings of SALT 30

Lowell Sluckin, Benjamin, Silvio Cruschina and Fabienne Martin. 2021. Locative inversion in Germanic and Romance: a conspiracy theory.


Martin, Fabienne & Hamida Demirdache.  2020. Partitive accomplishments across languages.  Linguistics.

Martin, Fabienne, Janayna Carvalho and Artemis Alexiadou.  2020. Predicates of personal taste and  pancake sentences in Brazilian Portuguese and French.  

Martin, Fabienne and Hamida Demirdache (eds). 2020. Non-culminating accomplishments. Linguistics, special issue.

Martin, F., H. Demirdache, I. García del Real, A. van Hout and N. Kazanina. 2020. Children's non-adultlike interpretations of telic predicates across languages. Linguistics

Martin, Fabienne. 2020. Aspectual differences between agentive and non-agentive uses of causative predicates. (Related slides here)

Martin, Fabienne & Christopher Piñón. 2020. Verbalizing nouns and adjectives: The case of behavior-related verbsGlossa.

Pross, Tillmann, Fabienne Martin & Marcel Pitteroff (eds). 2020. The grammar of dispositions. Special collection of Glossa.


Martin, Fabienne and Zsofia Gyarmathy. 2019. A finer-grained typology of perfective operators. Proceedings of EISS 12.  

Martin, Fabienne. 2019. Non-culminating accomplishments, Language and Linguistics Compass.

Martin, Fabienne, Ingrid Falk, Maximilian Köper, Sylvia Springorum, Sabine Schulte im Walde and Achim Stein. 2019. Cross-linguistic interplay of lexical aspect and (non-)literalness. Proceedings of Linguistic Evidence 2018. 


Martin, Fabienne, 2018. Time in probabilistic causation: direct vs. indirect uses of lexical causative verbs, Proceedings of Sinn und Bedeutung 22. 


Falk, Ingrid and Fabienne Martin, 2017, Towards an inferential lexicon of event selecting predicates for French, Proceedings of IWCS 2017. 

Martin, Fabienne & Florian Schäfer, 2017, 'Sublexical modality in defeasible causative verbs', in Modality across Syntactic Categories.

Falk, Ingrid and Fabienne Martin, 2017, `Towards a lexicon of event-selecting predicates for a French FactBank', Proceedings of SemBEAR 2017.


van Hout, A., O. Lungu, M. Arche, I. Garcia del Real, A. Garcia Sanz, A. Gavarro, L. Gomez Marzo, S. Hommes, H. Demirdache, N. Kazanina, J. Liu, F. Martin, I.M. Strangmann. 2016. Agent Control and the Acquisition of the Event Culmination in Basque, Dutch, English, Spanish and Mandarin. Proceedings Supplements of the 41st Annual Boston University Conference on Language Development (BUCLD 41).

Martin, Fabienne & Christopher Piñón, 2016. `Behavior-related unergative verbs', Proceedings of Sinn und Bedeutung 20. 

Martin, Fabienne, Marcel Pitteroff and Tillmann Pross (eds), 2016. `Morphological, syntactic and semantic aspect of dispositions'.  SinSpec series of the SFB732.

Falk, Ingrid and Fabienne Martin, 2016, `Automatic identification of aspectual classes across verbal readings'. Proceedings of *SEM 2016.

Falk, Ingrid and Fabienne Martin, 2016, `Agentivity and Abstractness Influence Verbal Telicity. A Computational Experiment', Proceedings of LREC 2016.


Demirdache, Hamida & Fabienne Martin, 2015, 'Agent control over non-culminating events', Aspect and verbal classes, Benjamins.

Martin, Fabienne, 2015, `Explaining the link between agentivity and non-culminating causation', Proceedings of SALT 25. 

Martin, Fabienne, 2015, 'Antecedent under discussion in French past subjunctive conditionals', Proceedings of the 49th CLS Meeting. 

Martin, Fabienne, 2015, The fake imperfective aspect in subjunctive conditionals is real', Proceedings of NELS 46. 

Martin, Fabienne, 2015. `The imperfective in subjunctive conditionals: fake or real aspect?', Proceedings of the 21th Amsterdam Colloquium. (largely superseded by the paper in NELS 46)


Copley, Bridget & Fabienne Martin (eds), 2014, Causation in Grammatical Structures, Oxford University Press.

Martin, Fabienne & Florian Schäfer, 2014, 'Causation at the syntax/semantics interface', in Copley, B. & F. Martin (eds), Causation in Grammatical Structures, Oxford University Press.

Martin, Fabienne and Florian Schäfer, 2014, 'Anticausatives compte but do not differ in meaning: A French case study', Actes du 4e CMLF.

Martin, Fabienne, 2014, 'Relative Stupidity and Past Tenses', Cahiers Chronos 27.

Alexiadou, A., Cano, M., Iordachioaia, G. Martin, F. & F. Schaefer, 2014, 'Direct participation effects in derived nominals'Proceedings of CLS48.

Mazziotta, Nicolas & Fabienne Martin, 2014, 'Affixes transitivisants en français', XXVIIe Congrès international de linguistique et de philologie romanes, Université de Nancy.


Martin, Fabienne & Florian Schäfer, 2013, 'On the argument structure of verbs with mono- and bi-eventive uses', Proceedings of NELS 42, GLSA.

Martin, Fabienne, 2013, 'Oriented Adverbs and Object Experiencer Psych-Verbs', Studies in the Composition and Decompostion of Event Predicates, Springer.

Martin, Fabienne, 2013, 'Tense and aspect in swing conditionals', Proceedings of the 19th Amsterdam Colloquium.

Martin, Fabienne, 2013, 'Restrictive vs nonrestrictive modification and evaluative predicates', Lingua.

Alexiadou, A., Iordachioaia, G., Cano, M., Martin, F. & F. Schaefer, 2013, 'The syntax of external arguments in derived nominals', Journal of Comparative Germanic Linguistics.

Alexiadou, A., Iordachioaia, G., Martin, F., Schaefer, F. & M. Cano, 2013, 'Direct participation and agent exclusivity effects in derived nominals and beyond',  Categorization and Category Change, Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

Martin, Fabienne, 2013, 'Stage level and Individual level Readings of Dispositional Nouns', Morphology in Toulouse. Selected Proceedings of the 7th Décembrettes, Lincom.

Martin, Fabienne, 2013, ‘Specificity Markers and Nominal Exclamatives in French‘, in Different Kinds of Specificity Across Languages, Springer.

Mazziotta, Nicolas & Fabienne Martin, 2013,  'An exploratory approach to transitivizing affixes in French', Proceedings of QITL 5, University of Leuven.


Martin, Fabienne & Florian Schäfer, 2012, 'The modality of 'offer' and other defeasible causative verbs', Proceedings of WCCFL 30.

Alexiadou, Artemis & Fabienne Martin, 2012,  'Competing affixes as aspectual morphemes. The case of deadjectival nominalizations', Morphology and the Architecture of the Grammar.  University of Patras.

Martin, Fabienne & Nicolas Mazziotta. 2012. How verbal affixes affect (in-)transitivity in French. A morphological inquiry through the LVF. Unpublished.


Martin, Fabienne, 2011, 'Epistemic Modals in the Past', Romance Languages and Linguistic Theory 2009,  Benjamins.

Martin, Fabienne, 2011, 'Redefining the distinction between accomplishments and achievements', in Cahiers Chronos 22, Rodopi.


Martin, Fabienne, 2010, 'The Semantics of Eventive Suffixes in French',The Semantics of Nominalizations across Languages and Frameworks, de Gruyter.

Martin, Fabienne, 2010, 'Indéfinis, modalité et généricité dans la Déclaration des droits de l'homme', Argumentation et analyse du discours.

Schwarz, Richard, Martin, Fabienne, Schütze, Hinrich and Achim Stein, 2010,  'Identification of Rare and Novel Senses Using Translations in a Parallel Corpus', Proceedings of LREC.


Mari, Alda & Fabienne Martin, 2009,  'On the Interaction Between Aspect and Verbal Polysemy. (Im)-Perfectivity and (Non)-Implicativity', Ms.

Martin, Fabienne, 2009, 'The Metaphorical Reading of Movement verbs in French. Compulsory Adjuncts and Verbal Polysemy', in Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Generative Approaches to the Lexicon.

Mari, Alda & Fabienne Martin, 2009, Generic sentences and types of judgements. Unpublished ms.

Martin, Fabienne, Spohr, Dennis & Achim Stein, 2009, 'Representing a Resource of Formal Lexical-Semantic Descriptions in the Web Ontology Language', GSCL Forum

Martin, Fabienne, Spohr, Dennis & Achim Stein, 2009,  'Disambiguation of Polysemous Verbs for Rule-based Inferencing', in Proceedings of the 8th International Workshop on Computational Semantics (IWCS-8), Tilburg.


Martin, Fabienne, 2008, ‘Les Prédicats statifs. Etude sémantique et pragmatique'. Paris/Bruxelles: De Boeck.

Martin, Fabienne, 2008, 'Deux types de stage-level predicates', Langages.

Martin, Fabienne, 2008, 'Les Prédicats statifs. Etude sémantique et pragmatique'. De Boeck.

Mari Alda & Fabienne Martin, 2008,  'Bare and Indefinites NPs in Predicative Position in French', in 'SinSpec', Working Papers of the SFB 732, University of Stuttgart.


Mari, Alda & Fabienne Martin, 2007, 'Tense, abilities and actuality entailment', Proceedings of the 16th Amsterdam Colloquium.

Martin, Fabienne, 2007, 'Les prédicats superlatifs à l'impératif', Travaux de linguistique.


Martin, Fabienne, 2006, 'Prédicats statifs, causatifs et résultatifs en discours. Sémantique des adjectifs évaluatifs et des prédicats psychologiques', PhD Thesis, ULB.

Martin, Fabienne, 2006, 'De-N nus indéfinis prédicatifs et prédicats incorporants', in  Indéfini et Prédication, Presses universitaires de Paris Sorbonne.


Martin, Fabienne, 2005, 'Un certain N et un N bien précis', Travaux de linguistique.

Dominicy, Marc & Fabienne Martin, 2005, 'À travers et au travers de: des emplois perceptuels aux emplois spatiaux', Le mouvement dans la langue et la métalangue, Université de Metz.

Martin, Fabienne, 2005, 'Les deux lectures de faillir+inf. et les verbes présupposant l'existence d'un événement', Les périphrases verbales, Benjamins.

Martin, Fabienne, 2005, 'Genitives of Substance and Locative Verbs in French', in Possessives and Beyond: Semantics and Syntax, UMOP.


Martin, Fabienne, 2003, ‘Si certains causatifs psychologiques ne sont pas agentifs, c’est parce qu’ils sont muets. Critique de l’analyse des causatifs en RRG'Cahier Crisco.

Martin, Fabienne, 2003, 'Est-on honteux quand on est honteux pour autrui?', Les Émotions. Cognition, Langage et Développement, Pierre Mardaga.

Dominicy, Marc & Fabienne Martin, 2003,  'Perspectives et vérité dans la narration: les propositions cachées', De la langue au style, Presses Universitaires de Lyon.

Martin, Fabienne, 2003,  'If you really want to know what you mean, read more poetry', Papers of the 26th International Wittgenstein Symposium.


Martin, Fabienne, 2002, 'La préposition de du complément d’agent des verbes psychologiques causatifs : un génitif', Scolia.

Martin, Fabienne & Marc Dominicy, 2002,  'A travers, au travers (de) et le point de vue' Travaux de linguistique.

Martin, Fabienne, 2002, 'Participe passé verbal ou adjectival? Analyse sémantique à partir de l'alternance des prépositions par et de', Ms.


Martin, Fabienne, 2001, 'La construction 'se faire'+ inf. et les verbes psychologiques', Morphosyntaxe du lexique 1, catégorisation et mise en discours, Presses Universitaires de Rennes, 15, 212-241.

Martin, Fabienne, 2001, 'Psychological Verbs and Causatives', Proceedings of the Conference Perspectives on Aspect, Utrecht: OTS, published on line.

Dominicy, Marc & Fabienne Martin, 2001, 'Mental States and Truth-Conditional Semantics', Ms, Université libre de Bruxelles.