Fabian Hebestreit

Since January I am a Professor at the Universität Bielefeld

Until recently, I was a lecturer in the Department of Mathematics at the University of Aberdeen, before that a member the Topology group at WWU Münster and even before that I obtained my Habilitation in the Topology group of the RFWU Bonn, advised by Wolfgang Lück

Contact Details





Fakultät für Mathematik, Universität Bielefeld, 33501 Bielefeld, Germany



+49  521 106 5002 

Research interests

Algebraic & geometric Topology, homotopical Algebra and more specifically: The homotopy theory of diffeomorphism groups and cobordism categories, and their relation to algebraic K- and L-theory; parametrised homotopy theory and its relation to operator algebras and positive scalar curvature; higher categories as foundations for the above.

Publications and Preprints

Algebraic and geometric Topology

arXiv: 2406.14677 (11 pages, 2024, submitted)

Category theory

arXiv: 2312.09889 (12 pages, 2023, submitted)

Algebraic and hermitian K-theory

Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society, vol. 56, no. 5 (2024), pp. 1803-1818

Other writing

Celebratio Mathematica, Ranicki memorial issue (2022)


During the summer term '24 I will teach Linear Algebra I and Higher categories and Algebraic K-theory I (notes last updated July 17th).

Some lecture notes on Algebraic Topology, Higher Categories and Algberaic K-Theory are here.