For reference, I'm playing Enh shaman and I want to have Elemental Blast (spell with 12s sec cd and 2 charges) and Chain lightning (no cd) on the same key; I just dont want to have to keep track of my Ele blast charges, and want to be able to press a button to spend all of my Maelstrom charges.

I am not looking for /castsequence, because that (from what I understand) goes in a set rotation (spellA, spellB, spellA, spellB, etc). I want to to dynamically prioritize Ele blast, and then Chain lightning when I cant cast Ele blast.

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30 - Thunder Sword - Instant, 6 sec cd. Fires 4 lightning bolts at the target inflicting wind damage. Very useful skill as it works while moving. Fairly high damage in PVP. Worth investing some TP into but not maxing unless you have maxed everything important.

Forcewave comes in different shapes and sizes. I wanted to explore the option of lightning one. To my surprise I liked Warder version better than Tactician. The support of the skill is minor outside of conduit+helm, but this build is surprisingly decent. Credit for the idea to @malawiglenn

I need to constantly run around collecting Crackling Energy, so I can effectively use my Capstone, but I wanna be ranged and by the nature of how Energy is created all of it is created in melee.

I use Crit/Lucky Hit Stun and Damage on Stun, but whatever I do Damage is so demonstrably low.

Chain lightning Crits for 380 damage. Meanwhile my (lvl 38) Necro deals ~600 Damage per Tick with his Shadow Dots, without Legendaries.

Spark is just there to boost crit so all the Lucky Hit effects that only trigger on crits trigger more often.

yes, do not bother with cracking energy. There are a few nodes of it, that you take, but its not a meaningful part you play around to get up.

I have stuffed everything into just upping my chain lightning usage and its damage, ball lightning has one point in and the next node for additional atk speed on it because i have it as my second enchantment (and unstable currents )

The most important legendary effect for not wanting to end yourself is the mana gain if chain lightning bounces off of you. There is a dungeon that drops it in fractured peaks.

In essence the entire thing revolves around being fairly lackluster on groups without unstable current. Once every minute i just completly escalate then, which is when i fight most elites.

In return however for being fairly weak in aoe, my single target is kinda nuts with chainlightning just jumping between the boss and me and refunding most of its cost every time. With my stats and bonus damages currently every single instance of it crits for up to 3k (lvl 52)

I mean, you do know that you can play chain lightning in still stand close to enemies? The worst case about not constantly staying in melee, is losing 10% dmg. You still get the 20% dmg reduction every time an enemy actually does melee swing at you.

If crackling lightning was not ment to be a viable playstyle then A; why did they add it to the game, and B; why did they add an entire paragon board dedicated to crackling lightning, and C; why do they add aspect(atleast one that i have seen) that gives bonus to crackling lightning??

Yes, as it currently stands the only viable lightning build past level 50 (WT3+) is Arc Lash and even that stops working at some point. There is a reason why 95% of all sorcs in Wt3/4 play Ice Shards.

I have a pytorch lightning module that trains and validate with no problem. I can save the best checkpoint with ModeCheckpoint but when I load the model on a different colab notebook I get 0 accuracy. I cannot understand why.

/path_to_conda/.conda/envs/penny3/lib/python3.11/site-packages/pennylane_lightning/ UserWarning: Pre-compiled binaries for lightning.qubit are not available. Falling back to using the Python-based default.qubit implementation. To manually compile from source, follow the instructions at


I tried two qml versions (0.25.1 and 0.26.0 as detailed below); both had the same problem shown above. How can I fix the problem to use lightning.qubit instead of falling back to default.qubit? I assume the former can run faster than the latter on 20+ qubit circuits. Thanks!

In the most common type of cloud-to-ground lightning (CG), a channel of negative charge, called a stepped leader, will zigzag downward in roughly 50-yard segments in a forked pattern. This stepped leader is invisible to the human eye, and shoots to the ground in less time than it takes to blink. As it nears the ground, the negatively charged stepped leader causes streamer channels of positive charge to reach upward, normally from taller objects in the area, such as a tree, house, or telephone pole. When the oppositely-charged leader and streamer connect, a powerful electrical current begins flowing. This return stroke current of bright luminosity travels about 60,000 miles per second back towards the cloud. A negative CG flash consists of one or perhaps as many as 20 return strokes. We see lightning flicker when the process rapidly repeats itself several times along the same path. The actual diameter of the lightning channel current is one to two inches, surrounded by a region of charged particles.

There are many flashes which do not reach ground. Most of these remain within the cloud and are called intra-cloud (IC) lightning flashes. Cloud flashes sometimes have visible channels that extend out into the air around the storm (cloud-to-air or CA), but do not strike the ground. The term sheet lightning is used to describe an IC flash embedded within a cloud that lights up as a sheet of luminosity during the flash.

Sprites can appear directly above an active thunderstorm as a large but weak discharge. They usually happen at the same time as powerful positive CG lightning strokes. They can extend up to 60 miles from the cloud top. Sprites are mostly red and usually last no more than a few seconds, and their shapes are described as resembling jellyfish, carrots, or columns. Because sprites are not very bright, they can only be seen at night. They are rarely seen with the human eye, so they are most often imaged with highly sensitive cameras.

Blue jets and gigantic jets emerge from the top of the thundercloud, but are not directly associated with cloud-to-ground lightning. They extend up in narrow cones fanning out and disappearing at heights of 25-35 miles. Gigantic jets go even higher to the ionosphere. Blue jets last a fraction of a second and have been witnessed by pilots.

Elves are rapidly expanding disk-shaped regions of glowing that can be up to 300 miles across. They last less than a thousandth of a second, and occur above areas of active cloud to ground lightning. Elves result when an energetic electromagnetic pulse extends up into the ionosphere. Elves were discovered in 1992 by a low-light video camera on the Space Shuttle, and are now known to be associated with terrestrial gamma ray flashes (TGFs). TGFs were discovered in the 2000s by satellites designed to detect cosmic gamma rays, but it was found that some signals were coming from thunderstorms on earth! TGF appear to originate where strong electric fields exist in a deep region to act as a particle accelerator that is seeded by cosmic ray particles. This can also produce beams of relativistic electrons. Normal lightning also produces x-rays that can be detected at the ground.

Sure, with lightning build our dps while in Blade Call is superior cuz anti-cancel animation with Honed Slash+Fliker and you get "infinite" focus to do it, but, after that we need to manage our focus to try to keep our dps and here is where we lose to fire build.

My point is:

With fire build you will always doing dps, and a good one, lose ofc for the burst of lightning build in his 20sec but wins in longer terms cuz lack of focus that we have after blade call in lightning build.

But on the whole, I agree with OP's point. Though I like lightning build more than fire, fire just brings more to the table, staying in draw stance for much much longer being the biggest advantage. Having legendaries could change that though.

one thing tho> with lightning build.. u deal more dmg when u use the RMB after canceling lmb.. which is around 10k to 12k per rmb without cd then the setback is u need to regenerate focus later...the lmb+rmb spamming deal huge dmg

I'm honestly wondering about all these BMs talking about lack of focus with lightning build. We have so many methods to regen focus that in a minute, your time out of Draw Stance should be very low (less than 10 seconds if you manage all of your skills correctly). Once you get a good weapon (True Siren iirc) you have a chance to proc 100% focus regen on hit. Blade Call v skill regens a lot of focus so don't use your other focus regens with that up. Z near the end of Blade Call to regen focus (chance to proc weapon even without this specced). Then between Blade Calls, Sunder Sword for high focus. With that on cooldown, utilize your tab (specced for focus regen) your Draw Stance 2 (specced for focus regen) and your Draw Stance 3 for focus. Don't waste them. Flash Step can also proc the weapon effect so use that to your advantage too. With all of this in mind, whenever you drop Draw Stance, your SS/Q should be off cool down and you should be able to use it immediately to get right back in. And remember that Cyclone regens focus over a period of time too.

Lightning build deals more damage, but the only thing that makes it less consistent than fire build is because of the supposed "lack of focus". But honestly? I run lightning build on my BM and I almost never feel focus starved.

Blade call itself (with V) doesn't provide the focus I need to maintain full speed ani-cancel. Sundering sword is just meh, only good when coupled with 2 and TAB. Cyclone depends on the boss. The weapon trigger can be a douche at times, I don't rely on it at all. I still stick with lightning since damage really is better though. be457b7860

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