Smart Switch Eze Share

Privacy Policy _ Smart Switch Eze Share.

Your privacy is important to us.

Smart Switch Eze Share App is dedicated to protect your privacy because we require two types of user information; General Statistical Information and Personal Identifying Information. We are facilitating you with this privacy policy to let you know about how we use and disclose (in limited circumstances) such information.

Collection and Usage of Information:

For a best experience, We may request you to give us with some personally identifiable information, including but not limited to IP Address, Advertising ID, SSID, and BSSID while using our Services. Your information that We request will be remain on your smart device and is not collected by Smart Switch Eze Share App in any way.

Smart Switch Eze Share App App uses third-party services that may request information used to identify you. Link to privacy policy of third-party service providers used by the app:


We may use third-party Service Providers to monitor and analyze the use of our Service.


Firebase is analytics service provided by Google Inc.

You may opt-out of certain Firebase features through your mobile device settings, such as your device advertising settings or by following the instructions provided by Google in their Privacy Policy:

We also encourage you to review the Google's policy for safeguarding your data: For more information on what type of information Firebase collects, please visit please visit the Google Privacy & Terms web page:

Personal Identifying Information Collection and Usage:

In addition to collecting general statistics, we may request you to give us with certain personal information PI for example your name, email address, and street address to enable us to reply to your needs and requests. Personal Information that can surely be used to identify you is mentioned in this policy as "Personal Identifying Information".

Personal Information PI may include, but not limited to:

Your good name and physical location;

Behavioral and demographic attributes;

Information collected from third parties;

Smart Switch Eze Share App uses and shares your Personal Identifying Information which it collects (unless otherwise limited by applicable law), to:

Customer Support CRM system: Smart Switch Eze Share App may use your PI to provide you help or other assistance you have asked, as well as Service updates, Service patches and fixes and other such operational communications.

Improve Services, Products, and Experiences: Smart Switch Eze Share App  may use your PI to improve and evaluate our services, products, customer relationships, and marketing.

Log Data

I want to let you know that if you use my Service and encounter an error, I may collect data and information (through third-party products) known as Log Data. This Log Data may include details like your device's Internet Protocol ("IP") address, device name, operating system version, app configuration during your use of the Service, the date, and time of your usage, as well as other statistics. Please rest assured that I value your privacy and will handle this data responsibly to improve the Service.


Cookies are small data files that act as anonymous identifiers commonly used by websites. They are sent to your browser and stored on your device's internal memory.

Our Service does not explicitly use these "cookies," but some third-party code and libraries we use might utilize them to gather information and enhance their services. You can choose to accept or decline these cookies and be informed when a cookie is being sent to your device. If you decline our cookies, certain parts of the Service may not be accessible to you.

Children Information Collection:

Smart Switch Eze Share App services are not directed to children under the age of 13. If it seems that we have unintentionally or mistakenly collected your Personal Information from your child under 13 through our Channels without appropriate permission, please notify us through email so that we may immediately remove the information from our servers and will make any other corrections.

Children’s Privacy:

Smart Switch Eze Share App is dedicated to protect the privacy of your children who use our Services. Children's privacy policy describes our information collection, sharing, and parental consent practices about the personal information collected from children under the age of 13, and uses terms that are given in our general Privacy Policy.

Smart Switch Eze Share App takes the privacy policy of the product's users very seriously. We’ll only request, collect, and process Personal Data about any child under the age of 13, which you select to share to us or otherwise asked us to collect and process.


Permissions we are asking:

For APPs to be build for android platform we are required to ask user for certain permission to provide different Functionalities.

Personal Media Files and Information:

Data is all electronic data or information submitted by you through the Service, including all text, sound, software or image files that you provide to us through your use of the Service. We are accessing your personal data to be used or modify within our APP and always will be available to you. We are not using or saving your data personally. You could only share this data by yourself using this platform after modification or detailed view. We do not share User Data with advertisers, or with anybody else except in the limited circumstances described below.

Normally wake locks don't actually wake the device, they just cause the screen to remain on once it's already on. e.g. Think of the video player application as the normal behavior and Device WakeUp to perform some background functions.

Device Location:

Physical user or device location within an area of the device you want to communicate or share data with and throught the cannel that is being selected.

Installed Apps:

We are getting all the installed apps that you have in your phone to make the sharing of those apps (APK) easy for you and to provide good and easy Interaction for the sharing of the data.

Setting Updates:

We are providing the user in app setting of few features so that the user may not irritate while making the connected user trusted and this make the user safe for the not trusted data transfer and the communication as it also provides the feature of blocking the user to whom you don't want to communicate or to share data with.

Application Theme updating:

The DayNight functionality in AppCompat allows your app to easily switch between a light ⚪ and dark ⚫ theme. This has many benefits for your users, from saving power on OLED displays, to increasing usability for people with reduced-vision, and more.

Payment Methods:

We are using In App Billing services provided by Google, which may require your payment details and we are not responsible about information you share with Google Billing. For further please visit Google Play Payments

Eze Share: Smart Switch App value your trust in giving us Personal Information, thus we are trying to use acceptable methods of protecting your information. But remember that no way of transmission over the internet, or means of electronic storage is 100% reliable and secure, and we cannot guarantee its data security.

Query All Packages Permission:

QUERY_ALL_PACKAGES(Broad package visibility) permission allows the app built with targetSdkVersion 30+ to check the installed app inventory of the device with Android 11+. The app using this permission can query all installed app lists from the smartphone.

Contacts Permission:

If you allow, Eze Share: Smart Switch App will send Contacts from your mobile to the receiver's mobile. Please press allow button to send "Contacts".

Photos Permission:

If you allow, Eze Share: Smart Switch App will send Photos from your mobile to the receiver's mobile. Please press allow button to send Photos. After allowing, you can choose photos from your phone or from the SD card.

Videos Permission:

If you allow, Eze Share: Smart Switch App will send Videos from your mobile to the receiver's mobile. Please tap allow button to share Videos.

Installed Apps Permission:

If you allow Eze Share: Smart Switch App will share Installed Apps from your mobile to the receiver's mobile. Please tap allow button to share Installed Apps.

Audio Files Permission:

If you allow Eze Share: Smart Switch App will share Audio Files from your mobile to the receiver's mobile. Please tap allow button to share Audio Files.

Documents Permission:

If you allow Eze Share: Smart Switch App will share Documents from your mobile to the receiver's mobile. Please tap allow button to share Documents.

Contact Us:

Please send any comments or queries on our privacy practices to: