3rd International Workshop on EntitY Retrieval and lEarning (EYRE '20)

co-located with CIKM 2020

20 October 2020 Galway, Ireland

The intention of over half of Web queries is to find a particular entity, or entities of a particular type. Entities and structured representations (i.e., knowledge graphs) became popular in the recent past and hence, tremendous interest is in this area at the moment. Beyond the traditional text-based retrieval and learning problems, the recent surge in entity-centered structured data on the Web like Wikidata and progress in deep and machine learning techniques enable more powerful entity-centered solutions, but also bring new challenges. The hybrid exploitation of unstructured and structured data and their use in experiments ranging from traditional machine learning to advanced deep learning techniques have led to diversified involvement of researchers and practitioners in the areas of IR, Database, Semantic Web, and Machine and Deep Learning. This workshop series provides a platform where interdisciplinary studies of entity retrieval and learning can be presented, and focused discussions can take place.

We also organize a shared task of entity summarization, in order to assess strengths and weaknesses of existing systems, compare performance of techniques, and enhance communication among researchers and developers.

Call for Papers and Systems

Call for papers

Call for systems participating the shared task of entity summarization

Workshop Program (GMT+1)


Program Committee

  • Abhishek Abhishek, Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati, India

  • Takahiro Komamizu, Nagoya University, Japan

  • Ugur Kursuncu, University of South Carolina, USA

  • Sarasi Lalithsena, IBM Research, USA

  • Qingxia Liu, Nanjing University, China

  • Bo Ma, Xinjiang Technical Institute of Physics & Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China

  • Raghava Mutharaju, IIIT-Delhi, India

  • Shahrzad Naseri, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, USA

  • Niki Pavlopoulou, National University of Ireland, Ireland

  • Krishnaprasad Thirunarayan, Wright State University, USA

  • Ran Yu, GESIS - Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences, Germany

  • Ondřej Zamazal, University of Economics, Prague

  • Ningyu Zhang, Zhejiang University, China

  • Xiang Zhang, Southeast University, China

  • Lihua Zhao, Accenture, USA

Past Workshops