2nd International Workshop on EntitY REtrieval (EYRE '19)
co-located with CIKM 2019
07 November 2019 Beijing, China
An analysis of real query logs from a commercial search engine shows that the intention of more than half of Web queries is to find a particular entity, or entities of a particular type. This problem of entity retrieval, or more generally, semantic search, has received increasing research attention from both the Information Retrieval (IR) and Semantic Web communities. Beyond the traditional text-based retrieval problem, the recent surge in entity-centered structured data on the Web such as Wikidata enables more powerful entity retrieval solutions, but also brings new challenges. This hybrid of unstructured and structured retrieval has led to diversified research from not only the IR community but also researchers and practitioners in the areas of Database, Semantic Web, and Artificial Intelligence (AI). This workshop series provides a platform where interdisciplinary studies of entity retrieval can be presented, and focused discussions can take place.
We also organize two shared tasks related to entity retrieval, in order to assess strengths and weaknesses of existing systems, compare performance of techniques, and enhance communication among researchers and developers.
Schedule (room: 303A)
- Session 1 (09:35-10:30)
- 09:35-09:40 Opening
- 09:40-10:05 Jixue Liu, Selasi Kwashie, Jiuyong Li, Lin Liu and Michael Bewong. Linking Graph Entities with Multiplicity and Provenance.
- 10:05-10:30 Yihong Ma, Qingkai Zeng, Tianwen Jiang, Liang Cai and Meng Jiang. A Study of Person Entity Extraction and Profiling from Classical Chinese Historiography.
- Morning Break (10:30-11:00)
- Session 2 (11:00-12:35)
- 11:00-11:25 Abhishek Abhishek, Amar Prakash Azad, Balaji Ganesan, Ashish Anand and Amit Awekar. Collective Learning From Diverse Datasets for Entity Typing in the Wild.
- 11:25-11:50 Qianghuai Jia, Ningyu Zhang and Nengwei Hua. Context-aware Deep Model for Entity Recommendation in Search Engine at Alibaba.
- 11:50-12:15 Niki Pavlopoulou and Edward Curry. Towards a window-based diverse entity summarisation engine in Publish/Subscribe systems.
- 12:15-12:20 Introduction to Shared Tasks
- 12:20-12:35 Dongjun Wei, Yaxin Liu, Fuqing Zhu, Liangjun Zang, Wei Zhou, Jizhong Han and Songlin Hu. ESA: Entity Summarization with Attention.
- Gong Cheng, Nanjing University, China
- Kalpa Gunaratna, Samsung Research America, USA
- Jun Wang, University College London, UK